c h a p t e r 2

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Continuation from last chapter

Hollie's P.O.V

I jumped up from the bed and walked to my suitcase before picking something a little more dressy for tonight. I jump in the shower as I have been on a plane all day and wash my body, not my hair. I get out and change into this:

And did my hair in a low bun (like in the picture)

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And did my hair in a low bun (like in the picture). I decided to wear my white Adidas as I made it a bit more casual instead of heels.

I looked over at my phone that read: 5:45pm. I have to be at the concert for 6:15pm and it's a 20 minute Uber drive, perfect. I grab my bag, phone and tickets and my mum and I get into the Uber.


We pull up outside the back of the venue, near the stage door. As I get out I turn around and look into the open stage door and see the most handsome looking teenager I have ever seen. His brown hair and Ocean blue eyes make me connect with him until I realise and smile before looking away.

Daniel's P.O.V

I was backstage before our New York show. It's our last one on this tour which I'm so happy about because it means that we get the hang out in New York for a few days after before we go back home for a few weeks then to LA to work on our new album '8 Letters' that comes out in August. I was by the stage door at about 6:06pm and I looked out into the street to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my whole life. She was like an angle, her blonde hair that was falling out of her bun onto her face as she tucked it away behind her ear, her blue eyes that were as blue as mine enchanted me as our eyes connected and her gorgeous smile that blew me away. I needed to know who she was! I knew that she was meant to be mine.

Hollie's P.O.V

I walked over to the pavement where the opened stage door was. Where he was. My heart was beating when I finally realised it's was Daniel Seavey! The Daniel Seavey! Like what!! As I got closer to the door he waved at me and I waved back, major fangirling right now! I continued walking with my mum and then I hear someone run up to me from behind and tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Daniel standing there looking into my eyes. I look at him and smile and he does the same, showing the gap in his tooth that makes me smile even wider.

'Hey' Daniel says as he looks into my eyes.

'Honey I'm just going to go to the coffee shop over there' my mum explains as she points to the coffee shop across the road. I have no words so I just nod.

'Hey' I manage to get one short word out.

'So, um, I just thought that you w-were, I-I mean are really beautiful' he says as he stuttered with nerves.

'Um, thank you!' I say with a wide smile on my face as I feel my stomach fill with extreme butterflies.

'So are you here for the concert?' Daniel asks. I nod 'yes'.
'Do you want to come in through the stage door and chill before the show? Meet the boys?' he explains, I am literally exploding with excitement inside but keep my cool.

'Are you sure?' I question. He nods 'yes' and takes my hand and walks me into the stage door. I quickly text my mum and tell her what happened and to meet me outside the stage door.

Daniel's P.O.V

'Sorry, I never got your name' I asked the beautiful girl I just met as we walked through the stage door towards the boys.

'Hollie' she says still with a huge smile on her face.
'Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl' I say as her smile gets wider causing mine too as well.

We reach the rest of the boys and I introduce them all to her.
'So Hollie, this is Jonah, Jack, Corbyn and Zach' I point out each boy as she gives them all a hug and stands back next to me.
'Cute accent' Zach says causing her to laugh.
'Thanks Rosy' she says causing us all to laugh at the nick name she's given Zach.
'I can tell we are gonna be best friends' Zach says to Hollie. She smiles.

I take Hollie over to the sofas as the show doesn't start for another 45minuets. She says that her mum is outside so I tell her 'I'll go and get her you just chat to the boys'. I come back with her mum and introduce her to everyone.

~TIME SKIP(10mins)~

'So you have an English accent, where are you from?' I ask trying to get to know her more.
'Hammersmith, London' she explains. I nod.

'What brings you to New York?'

'Well, my mum surprised me this morning with the trip as it's my birthday today an-' she begins to tell us as I stop her mid sentence when she says it's her birthday.

'It's your birthday today??!' I question

'Yeah' she becomes a little shy

'How old are you?' I really wanted to know if she was my age or at least close.

'18' as she said that I mentally punched the air in excitement but I really just said: 'ah cool, well I'm 19 so that's great'.

She smiled at me and I smile back. The boys noticed us staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds and stopped our staring by Jonah saying:
'Urm, So showtime is in 10mins and we really need to get ready sorry Hollie'

'I'll give you this' I give her a backstage pass ' and then after the show come back here and we can chat again, Let's all go out for dinner as it's your birthday' I say passing her the pass and giving her a kiss on the cheek before escorting her to the theatre.


Hollie's P.O.V

It was their last song of the night 'Made for'. One of my favourites. I was singing along and Daniel saw me and winked. I started blushing so I look away in case he saw.
The song finished and they said thank you for coming and goodnight. Butterflies came to my stomach again as I walked backstage and was let in. My mum and I stood there talking for a bit until the boys came out the back.

'I really hope Hollie stayed' I hear Daniel whisper to Zach as they reached the door. We hugged each other and they went to the dressing rooms to change.

'LETS GO EAT!' they all said at the same time. I laughed at their unison and we walked to a restaurant near by.

Chapter 2 doneee   
It's longer then the first one but I hope it's not too long! I go into a lot of detail sometimes so I hope that's okay. The next chapter will be up tomorrow maybe today if I have time. (No-ones probably reading this but what ever!) Hope you enjoyed x

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