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Her e/c eyes slowly opened, her whole body aching as she tried to move around. 

Where was she? The last thing she remembered was being in her car, trying to get back to her parent's house. She was sure something bad had happened, but she just couldn't seem to remember what. Turning her head to the side, y/n noticed a small lamp by the bedside of where she had been resting. With what little strength she had, she was able to press the lamp on, revealing the room she had awoken in. 

She was lying in a decently sized bed, a cupboard lurking in the corner and a couple of chairs scattered around the bed as if someone had been sitting alongside her as she slept. The longer she was looking at her surroundings, the sudden realisation dawned upon her that she was not in her parent's house. This was not somewhere she had been before and that was one thing she could be certain of. Everything else, on the other hand, was a fuzz of confusion. She had no clue why she was driving to her parents, what had led her to such a dangerous road, but most importantly, how in the hell she survived such a fall?

Y/n moved her body around, wincing at the pain forming in her abdomen as she tried to bring herself into a sitting position. Slowly, turning her head, she noticed something was injected within her skin. Her e/c eyes followed the tubes which were somehow connected to the needle within her arm, she found a drip hanging from a metal stand. How long had she been lying in this bed?

Her eyes trailed down her body as she lifted up the blanket to stare at her clothing as if trying to find some kind of indication of how long she'd been in this unknown room before. She seemed to be wearing some kind of nightgown, but it was very baggy on her body sending a feeling of fear through her body. Had somebody undressed her?!

In some kind of hurried movement, she removed the needles from her arms before throwing her legs over the side of the bed. Bandages were wrapped around her calves as she stared down at the carpet covered ground. Lowering herself down onto the carpet, her body screamed for her to get back into bed as soon as possible, but the urge to know where in the hell she was seemed to overpower every natural instinct she had. She stumbled towards the large window which was masked with thin blinds. Her hands gripped onto the curtains before sliding them open revealing the snow-covered scenery on the other side. 

"I can't see my car or the cliff..." y/n breathed with fear beginning to envelop her entire being. Her hands were shaking as she stumbled backward, making her way back towards the bed where she sat back onto the side. 

"No y/n. Be logical. You can only see through one window, it's the only one here. Objective number one, find either another window or the person who saved you. Yeah, that's the logical next step." y/n breathed as she clenched her fists which laid within her lap. If she allowed for panic to consume her and cloud her thought processes, she'd end up in another situation much like the one she was currently in. 

She laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling little to her knowledge that there was someone watching her. Their eyes gazing upon her every movement. His eyes glossing over her form, seeing her moving was very different than the many hours he'd been sitting alongside her unconscious form. He'd been the one to offer to tend to her. Reg would surely be infuriated if he found out if he was watching her through the cameras. There were strict rules in place to make sure we didn't make any mistakes that would make Boss angry.

"Wow, I didn't think you could get any creepier." A voice mused from behind me. Snapping my head around, I saw Kit leaning in the doorway with his eyes rolling with his arms crossed over his chest as he continued to stare at me in frustration. I felt my cheeks flushing red before turning back to look at the screen only to see the girl was no longer lying on the bed and was pulling roughly against the door handle of the room Reg had allocated her. 

"I was just checking on her. After that accident, we've got to make sure she doesn't strain herself." I explained with my eyes darting back towards the male standing in the doorway before back at the screen as the girl continued to rapidly tug on the handle. 

"Worry about the resources we've lost looking after her. Let's hope she's got the cash to pay us back." I could practically see the smirk on Kit's face as he turned on his heel before disappearing into the shadows of the corridor. I bent down close to the screen, her body slumped as she realised there was no way she was going to be able to open the door herself. 

She wondered if she stared at the door long enough, some kind of power would emerge within her and she would be able to open the door to find out what the hell she was doing in this place. How she'd survived the fall and how she was no longer wearing the clothes she'd been wearing before. 

Maybe she'd been sitting on her bed, staring around the room with confusion as to when someone would come to at least tend to her or realise she had woken up, only for a loud metal clang to erupt through the silence she had grown comfortable with. Her body seemed to jerk into motion, coming to a proper sitting position. Due to the sudden movements, a pain engulfed her body causing her to wince with a seeth of pain coming from between her teeth. Her eyes had squeezed closed due to the pain, but as she opened them, slowly realising someone was coming into the room, a large figure loomed through the doorway, staring at her. 

"Now was that very wise?" The figures tone was teasing, almost mocking, making her feel as though she was a child being scolded by an adult who'd caught her doing something silly, but their voice was low and menacing, almost daring her to beckon them closer to reveal their face. 

"Where am I? Who are you?" The questions tumbled out of her mouth in a hurried manner, as though she could not get the answers soon enough. A deep chuckle came from the figure before they took a single step forward, revealing their dark clothing. 

"Your saviour."

Ahhhh dramatic cliff hanger! How are y'all finding this so far? 

So, the next chapter will be focused less on how the reader gets into the situation and more about the place they're in and the people within this new place! I'll try and update tonight as I want to keep this ball rolling for as long as possible. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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