The southern party

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They flew through the air for a while now. At last, Bakugou turned around to meet the faces of Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida. 

"This is the first and last fucking time you are riding with me." He snarled at them. 

"You can make decisions for Kirishima! He let us!" Iida responded at the snarl. After, Kirishima let out a small mrrow of laughter. 

"Shut up you dumb dragon!" Bakugou yelled. 

"Even Kirishima agrees!" Uraraka protseted. 

" Fuck off Round face!" He snapped at the witch. The rest of the flight was quiet. They dropped off Iida at the royal castle, Uraraka at the wizards tower. The flew another minute until they reached the village, where Midoriya lived in. There were people wake (people who went to bars late at night) that let out a gasp of fear and amazement. Dragons were rarely found anywhere else than the barbarian kingdom. They finally stopped at Midoriya's house. A crowd formed behind Kirishima. A man in his thirty's touched Kirishima's tail. Kirishima turned his head and growled at the man. 

"Why did you bring a beast in our kingdom?! Are you trying to pose a threat? The Eastern kingdom is not afraid of war!" The man growled. Bakugou let out a sigh of annoyance. He turned around to the crowd. 

"He only growled at you because you touched his tail. Don't you know they fucking hate it? Idiots" Bakugou growled at him. 

"Tsk. Teenagers" He commented. 

"Thank you so much for the ride Kacchan!" Midoriya said hoping that he didn't just anger the barbarian male. 

"Whatever" He patted Kirishima on the neck for him to go up. He did as ordered and flew away.  They flew all the way to their camp. 

"I was surprised you didn't have any reaction to being called a beast." He told Kirishima. The Dragon-shifter turned into his human form to communicate with Bakugou. 

"I've been called worse." He said simply. They stood in silence for a moment. 

"We still need to visit that old hag." Bakugou groaned. 

"Tomorrow Katsuki...It's late and you need to be sleeping." Kirishima transformed into a dragon once more. He curled up in a ball around Bakugou to keep him warm. Kirishima nuzzled Bakugou. 

'Good night Katsuki'  Kirishima let out a small bark

"Heh. Night Eijiro" 


 Midoriya woke up the next morning to his mother's voice. 

"Izuku! Izuku!" She called. He got out of bed and dress up in his usual attire. 

"Yes?" He asked while helping his mother cook breakfast. 

"Where were you! The old man said you were helping him, but I saw that you came on a dragon! a dragon Izuku! They are really dangerous! I don't want to lose you." She started to cry. Midoriya felt a great feeling of guilt flow through him. 

"Mom, Kirishima is harmless. I'm OK" Midoriya reassured his mother. 

"That's good to hear. Also, you named that creature?" She started to place the eggs on the table. 

"Huh? Oh no, I didn't name him. He was named by his mother. He is a Dragon-shifter. Kacchan owns him." Midoriya spotted his mother smiling.  

"That reminds me. You have been personally invited by king All Might to attend a party hosted by the southern kingdom. All other kingdoms will be there. Izuku I'm so proud of you!" Inko said hugging her son. 

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