|| Opposites Attract ||

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A boy stood alone in front of his home, dressed in a heavy winter jacket, thick jeans and a red scarf. His eyes, pale violet in color, looked up and down the street, searching. A breeze blew, causing the boy to shiver. His scarf and some of his platinum blonde hair fluttered, some of the boy's warmth leaving him.

The boy was Yuuto Nakamura, the nineteen year-old son of a man named Shun Nakamura. That may sound unimportant, but it's a particularly vital piece of information. See, when your father runs one of the largest tech companies in the world, people everywhere seem to know your name, your face. There's no end to the questioning, the attention. You're stuck in a constant spotlight.

Now, for others, it may have been great. But for the shy, kind and gentle blonde standing on the sidewalk, it was a living nightmare. Everyone was all smiles, all over him like kids to candy. He just wanted people to treat him like a regular person and not sugar-coat everything.

Thank the stars for Riley Lait.

Riley was a boy in his class who could care less about how you feel. He was known for being blunt and rude, and people tended to avoid him.

When the two met, Yuuto was just starting to go to public high school. Already, he was swamped with people, and he was genuinely a little scared. But instead of yelling at them or being rude, he did what he'd been taught and was polite to everyone.

It was hard, and Yuuto's patience was wearing thin, as he was rather annoyed. He couldn't believe that children his age could ever annoy him so much, but there it was, plain as day.

Then, like an angel, Riley descended upon the group.

The few who saw immediately dispatched, while others were so keen on getting Yuuto's attention and digits they didn't even notice him until he spoke.

"Hop off, hoes. He's not a new toy. He belongs to me." Yuuto looked up at the boy, confused as to what that was supposed to mean, but extremely grateful all the same.

After that day, students no longer stuck to Yuuto and there was no noisy crowd. How it happened he didn't know, but suddenly Yuuto was free.

For Yuuto, this was heaven. For Riley, well . . .

He'd just gained a friend. Exactly what he didn't want.

You see, Riley was the most antisocial, bitter, and generally mean person in the whole school. He wasn't nice, and he didn't try to be. He spoke his mind, and if you didn't want to hear him spit facts, sucks for you. He had his vibe down, his whole persona. Riley Lait had a reputation.

. . . . Which was ruined by the blonde boy who followed him everywhere.

Yuuto was all shy smiles and hair tucks, apologies and kindness. The literal opposite of Riley. And yet somehow Yuuto convinced Riley to give him his number.

After that day, Riley was still an edgy asshole, and Yuuto still precious and pure. But you know what? They were friends, whether they liked it or not. They talked over the phone, texted, and through their mystical connection, they started to know each other, their strengths and weaknesses.

They were best friends.

Now, they didn't go up to each other and hug and squeal like normal friends.

Yuuto would see Riley, go up to him, and say, "Hug?" He'd stretch out his arms with a hopeful yet nervous smile. Riley would look at him, sigh and shake his head as he looked away. "No," would be his cold reply, usually accompanied by an eye roll.

"Okay," Yuuto would reply, putting his head down as well as his arms. There would be a moment of silence between them, then Riley would mess the boy's hair. "Maybe one day," he'd mumble softly. Yuuto would look up at him, then Riley would say in a harder tone, "Don't count on it."

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