Chester frowned as he wondered what his friend was about to tell him. He had a lot of scenarios playing in his head about Mike telling him that being friends was a mistake... but the blonde man already felt so close to the half Asian and he knew that he wasn't prepared for Mike to tell him this, even if he was sure that one day it would come. After all, Chester wasn't used to interact with other people, he was different... he didn't know why Mike would take any interest in someone like him.

"I was wondering why you thanked me?"

Chester blinked in confusion before he remembered what he had said to the other while they where watching the movie. "Oh, well ... I meant thanks f-for everything you d-did... taking care of me a-and not going to classes for me and just..." Chester's eyes fell to the floor as he blushed. "Being there for me."

Mike felt himself relaxed as joy crept into his heart. Ryan couldn't take Chester away from him, he would make sure of that. The half Asian leaned toward the other man before he squeezed his hand into his own. "You don't need to thank me for that, Ches... I'll... I'll be here whenever you need me."

"T-thanks, Mike. You don't need to be here if you don't want to... I know I can be kind of a burden sometimes and-"

"Shhh, you're none of that. You're amazing." Mike squeezed his hand again and smiled sweetly, his eyes shining with affection.

Chester blushed at his actions and looked at their joined hands. He liked the affection just like the other day. It was surprising but he decided not to think too much about it. Mike was special for some reason.

"I-I'm really not." Chester stuttered still looking at their hands.

"You are my favorite patient to be honest so you're special to me." Mike winked and squeezed his hand one last time before letting go. The blonde immediately missed the contact but smiled nonetheless. "I have to go now though. But... what would you say if we meet tonight? I really liked spending time with you yesterday." Mike blushed once again as he finally made a move.

"I... I think that would be nice. But-"

"Don't worry. I'll come here, we won't have to go out unless you want to."

The blonde man let out a sigh of relief before he nodded, smiling at Mike. "Thank you."

At the same time, the door opened as Ryan looked at them both. "Ches, someone is on the phone for you, about a deadline."

"Oh, okay." He looked back at Mike. "See you tonight."

The half Asian could only reply a soft "bye" before Chester was back into his apartment, while Ryan was still looking at him. They both didn't say anything, but Mike could clearly see the fire and jealousy in Ryan's eyes that was telling him to back off, but the half Asian only smiled while shaking his head. The brunette guy wasn't worth fighting against.

"Here's your meds, Ryan." He said as he handed him the pills he needed to take this morning, and the other man swallowed them without a word.

Sooner or later, he'd understand that Mike was here to stay.


The whole day had seemed to never end as Mike had encountered problems after problems while he realized that maybe Ryan had gotten into his head after all. He was wondering if he was spending the day with Chester, or if he had gone away after they had met. After all, Chester needed to work today...

"Mike, are you sure you're alright, you look distracted." said Talinda as the half Asian came to put his things back after he was done for the day.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm alright." He said looking at her. She raised one eyebrow and crossed her arms under her breasts, not convinced, so Mike sighed and gave in. "I kinda have a..." he coughed. "Date tonight?" He said in a small, unsure voice. Could he call that a date? They were just friends after all and he didn't think Chester had those feelings for him. He should probably just swallow them up and get over the fact that he'd never have Chester that way. He shook his head and corrected himself. "It's not a date it's just... I'm gonna meet somebody and I'm kinda nervous, that's all."

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