Chaos in the House

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I gather up all the plates and threw them in the dishwasher. Like legit threw them in there, but Sarah had to grab them and put them in neatly.

Sarah pushed me away and gave me a smile. Man I can't get over that smile it just lingers in my brain for a minute and grabs my attention.

" EMMYYYYYY" I yelled throughout the house.

" WASSUPP BEEBOOOOOO" She yelled back.

" COME HERE PLEASEEEE" I said in a kids voice.

I heard her run over to me and then the puppies ran along as well.

"So, on Monday you have to go to school. Alright" I said. She grunted.

" Wait, what's the matter missy?" I asked.

"Well Monday is the day after tomorrow and do I really have to go to hell." She whined.

" yes, you have to" I said. She nodded.

" Anyways, why do you call it hell. I mean it's not that bad is it?" I said.

" Well, I call it hell because it is hell just without you." She said. I looked at her confused. She let out a giggle.

" Umm Emperors New Clothes, your the devil hello in hell" she said. I nodded, now understanding where she got the reference from.

" Anyways, I got you a gift." I said handing her a box.

She opened it and looked at me. I got her an iPhone 7.

" Thank you so much" She said giving me a hug.

" No problem and hey you can FaceTime me, so you won't be lonely at hell" I said. She nodded.

We set up her phone and added all the contacts she needed.

Then I helped her make a social media account.


1000 likes by Brendon Urie and 999 others

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

1000 likes by Brendon Urie and 999 others

@EmmyUrie: " Hey look Dad, I made it. Something I've wanted to say for awhile."

@Brendonurie: awesome, first post. Anyways, get your butt down here.

@username5: aww awesome relationship.

@username6: I STAN

I saw Brendon's comment and ran down the stairs.

" Hey, what's up dad" I asked.

" Nothing, I'm just bored and Sarah left home, so it's just us two. Wanna watch a movie with me?" He asked.

" Sure" I replied. I grabbed a blanket and covered myself and cuddled with Brendon .

" hey Beebo, I have a question?" I said. Brendon just hummed and looked at me.

" How come, on the first day you didn't pick me up?" I asked.

He sat there and thought. " Well I didn't get you because I was nervous and one something bothered me" he said.

" Well, what bothered you." I begged.

" It says it right in the name of the building" he said. I gave him a glance and gasped.

" wait that was the Miss Jackson, oh my god, I've been singing that song. No matter she always shook her head when I sang that to her." I said.

After that, we ended up watching The Haunting: The Hill House on Netflix. I was scared and I didn't want to leave Brendon side.

"Brendon, I'm scared" I said. He turned off the show.

"It's okay I'm here, you want me to sing you a song?" He said. I gave him a nod.

He tried to think of what he should sing.

He started off making the beats with his mouth.

" Had to have High High Hopes
For a living
Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing.
Didn't have a dime, but I always had a vision
Always had high high hopes..." I started to sing along with Brendon.

Brendon saw me yawning and then I fell asleep in his lap.

This chapter was ok. I'll see ya next week much love 😘

Best Day of My Life (Adoption Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ