Chapter Fifteen: Not Your Fairytale Ending

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XV. Not Your Fairytale Ending

Dylan's POV

I awoke with a pounding headache and a nauseated stomach. I couldn't even remember what the hell happened last night due to my cloudy mindset. While I tried to piece together where I was and why I wasn't in my own bed, the person next to me stirred.

Wait a minute. The person next to me?

I turned and came face to face with the one and only Ashleigh. The only thought that crossed my mind was how we ended up sleeping in this bed together...wait.


I jolted myself awake and immediately sat up in the covers. Frantically, I started searching around the bedroom to see if I could find any possible clues that could bring about a recollection. A very unfeminine groan erupted from the limp Ashleigh next to me.

"If you're thinking that we slept together, we didn't. Now can you calm down and stop fidgeting?"

Instead of complying to her request, I simply glared at her. "Then would you mind telling me how or why I'm here?"

"Oh, it's easy," she sat up straight and smirked. "You were upset about Kaylee, you came to have a good time, I found you intoxicated in this room, and I gave you a good time."

My stomach dropped at her words. "What exactly do you mean by 'a good time'..."

"I mean, a little something like this." She began making exaggerated kissing faces in the air and continued to do so until I threw a pillow at her head.

"Would you stop?" As I let Ashleigh's words sink in, I struggled to hold back a gag and shudder. "No know...saw right?"

"Of course not. I know what I'm doing, duh."

"I was just checking, alright? You're not the one who comes out at fault if this gets out, you know."

I rubbed my temples in frustration. Once again, I had to keep a secret from Kaylee. But this time, I was the guilty one and not Ryan. All I had to do was wait for her to clear her head up and I couldn't even do that without screwing up.

At this point, it wasn't a matter of saving my own butt anymore. I've hurt her too many times and now I owe her my honesty. Regardless of whether or not she would find out, I had to come clean. And despite all that happened, I still love her. I just hope she'll still love me after I tell her.


Kaylee's POV

The resounding sound of someone banging on my front door interrupted my TV marathon. How dare the person disturb me as I basked in the glory of Nate Archibald? I chose to ignore the annoying visitor, but as the pounding got louder, I decided that Gossip Girl would have to wait.

As I made my way to the door, a part of me hoped it would be Dylan standing on the other side. Even though I initiated our break, I'd come to forgive him for the most part and now I missed him. Maybe I'll try calling him after I shoo away the visitor and finish Gossip Girl. The horrendous knocking refused to cease until I swung open the door dramatically. Finally it was quiet again, but that didn't prepare me for who I saw standing there.

"Hey, um, Kaylee," he muttered nervously.

"What do you want?"

"I came here to talk to you...can I come in?"

He began to make a move for the door but I cut him off. "I don't think that's a good idea. Please, can you just leave? You've hurt me enough already."

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