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You narrowed your eyes as Saiki searched for something to say. He'd never been speechless before... you rolled your eyes and let out a "tch" as you took a purposeful step towards him. How could you have been so stupid? Of course the curious boy had followed you; now he knew your secret and everything was at risk. People had found out about your abilities before, you used to think they were normal. You quickly realised that they weren't and for the next while you were preoccupied altering everyone's memories. That had been an exhausting and confusing time. You couldn't let something like that happen again.

"Well, if you can't even try to argue your way out of this, I may as well just get changing your memory out of the way," you said while trying to seem intimidating. Intimidation was always difficult for someone as short as you but you tended to make it work somehow. You stared at Saiki and started to raise your hand to his head. You felt a little bad, he was your friend after all... you couldn't think about that then. Finally your hand rested on the side of his head and, just as you closed your eyes and were about to go through with it, you heard Saiki speak for the first time.

"No. I can help. I have powers too."

It was concise. Simple, even. But it made you hesitate for a second. That's all the time Saiki needed to tackle you to the ground and physically restrain you. "He's being cautious... I guess it makes sense though." You laughed under your breath. He looked at you strangely, in reply to this you said, "You just saw that I can create storms, fly in two or more different ways, and have a supersonic scream. Hell,  I even sensed you while you were invisible! I'm obviously powerful so naturally tackling me will keep me under control!" You couldn't stop laughing the entire situation was ridiculous. "Not to mention I talk to you guys about stuff that happens in my martial arts classes! Saiki I thought you were meant to be smart!" You giggled as you flipped him over. You didn't even need to hold him down, you could just use your powers, but that would leave you pretty tired and you didn't feel like it.

Saiki stared up at you with wide eyes and a slight blush. He almost looked cute and you wondered if you could make him blush even more sometime... "Seriously not the time, (Y/n)," you thought, annoyed at your own attraction. You snapped yourself back into reality. You had Saiki pinned and he knew his powers would be of no use, for the first time in his life he had only one option and he wasn't even sure if it would work. His eyes were pleading and you knew what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth.

"(Y/n), please, you don't have to do this. You know that I'll keep it a secret... besides, wouldn't it be nice to have a friend who you can talk to about it?" The last phrase made you tighten your grip in anger. He did not just pull that card on you. The card that made you feel like you could be normal, that made you feel like it would work and your secret wouldn't be a burden. He, of all people, should know how that idea stings, how it slices through one's heart like a knife dipped in venom. How dare he!? Your eyes turned black in your anger and shame causing Saiki to recoil. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut but today he clearly had no fear.

"Look, I know even the thought hurts... but you have to remember: I grew up with powers too!" He persisted but you just shook your head. He carried on anyway. "It's not like you can't trust me, it's not like I don't know how you feel, it's not like I have no powers. IT'S NOT LIKE I DON'T FEEL ALONE EITHER!... Just please, give me a chance and if I mess up at all, then you can do whatever you want to me, as long as you give me a chance." The last sentence was shared telepathically, you knew he meant it. You looked at his face, he was crying and you knew he had never let anyone see him like this.

"I-I can't... I'm sorry. I want to but I'll just end up hurting y-you which will hurt me. It's what a-always happens. I'm s-s-so sorry." You tried not to cry as you choked the words out. You wanted to trust him, you really did... but you didn't know how. Your entire life was rooted in secrets, the foundation of every relationship you'd ever had was an impenetrable shield to protect those people from your secrets. You got off of Saiki and he stood up, grabbing your wrist and looking down at you with a pained expression.


"I-I... I have t-t-t-to go."

And with that you ran off in tears once more, completely forgetting to alter Saiki's memory...

No Clue (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now