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You cautiously made your way into P.K. Academy and tried not to run back out again. As soon as you stepped foot on campus all eyes were on you. Now, you were walking down the hallway after putting on your school shoes and leaving your normal shoes and umbrella.

You could feel everyone's eyes boring into you and soon there was a crowd forming behind you. “Oh great,” you thought, “and on my first day too.” You knew things were going to be different from what you were used to but this was ridiculous. There were boys offering to carry your things and girls staring at you. You just wanted to be left alone. You finally reached your classroom and groaned when you realised that the boys from when you were walking to school were in your class. Everyone seemed to be talking about you, the new foreign exchange student and how cool it was that you were in their class. You wanted to go home when you noticed that the pink-haired psychic was in your class. You knew that life hated you but was this really necessary?

The teacher entered the classroom and everyone bowed. You were called up to the front of the class to introduce yourself. “Hello, my name is (Y/n) (L/n)”— wait they switched them around here — “S-sorry, I mean (L/n) (Y/n)! I'm not from here so I might not remember all the customs or know the language that well...” You finally stopped rambling (because you were starting to speak in English rather than Japanese) and blushed as you wrote your name messily on the board in a language you didn't quite understand yet. Everyone seemed to find your foreign accent and flustered face adorable.

The teacher assigned you to a seat next a boy named Saiki Kusuo. You looked up next to see who it was and almost buried your face in your hands. It was him. The psychic. Great. All eyes were glued to you as you walked to your seat but something wasn't quite right... had you gotten shorter? Why was everyone looking dow– oh shit. You forgot that your school shirt didn't leave much room for a chest... you crossed your arms to slightly cover your well-endowed upper half.

You sat down with a blush and tried to calm down. That boy Saiki didn't so much as glance at you. You were keeping your powers “switched off” but decided you needed to know what he was thinking about you. For all you knew in this state he could have figured you out already. Maybe he knew nothing but he was powerful and smart: you wouldn't put anything past him. You concentrated on his thoughts and his alone, if you didn't focus all sorts of thoughts might flood into your head and completely overwhelm you. You thought that a panic attack with supernatural origins on your first day at a new school would probably be a bad start. Then you finally heard them. His thoughts.

Who is this girl?” Saiki thought. “She just got here and people already love her more than Teruhashi. That's ridiculous! And I can't hear her thoughts... normally I'd assume she's an idiot like Nendo except there's something else... I can't see through her. At all. How is that possible? I can't investigate her though. It would draw too much attention to me and she'd suspect something...” His thoughts were going a thousand kilometres an hour and you felt bad for him. He was so confused it was almost cute. You found yourself wanting to tell him the answers to all his questions then mentally slapped yourself. It doesn't matter who he is, he can't know. No one can. Not even your dad knew the full extent of your abilities.

You kept your powers switched off after that and tried to focus. You had to pay attention here or you would fall behind. Of course you could read people's minds to know what was going on but that's never the same. Besides, you needed to learn to understand Japanese if you were going to stay there. You stayed as concentrated as possible for the rest of the day and tried to ignore everyone's stares and whispers. Although occasionally a certain pink-haired boy's glances threatened to pull you in.


Okay, I know I've already done one of these author's note things but omg I'm getting so many reads!!! Thank you all so much I never expected people to even glance at this fic. So arigato reader-chan. I appreciate your support so much. Anywayyyy, I'll stop taking up your time. Thank you again.

And carcinoDetermination is outta hereeee

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