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"Okay, but bright coloured hair should be allowed at school. How are we supposed to express ourselves?" 

"Donghyuck, if that wish was granted, one day you will show up with your hair dyed the colours of the gay flag, and as much as I would applaud that, it just shouldn't be allowed morally." Jaemin rolled his eyes as Donghyuck scoffed at his reasoning, his hands pausing in the act of rubbing some natural brown dye into Jaemin's hair. "I'm sure I would rock that particular look, thanks." 

"If I said I believed you, would you never try it?" 

Donghyuck narrowed his eyes at Jaemin though he couldn't see him, then huffed, "I would do it the second we graduate if I didn't care about the health of my scalp."

Jaemin nearly laughed, "Your scalp is stronger than my will to live, Hyuck. I don't think you would even care what colour you dyed your hair if we were allowed any hue. Remember when you dyed your hair red and argued with the actual principle that there are also natural redheads, so it wasn't actually infringing the policy?"

Donghyuck snorted unattractively, "And the principle couldn't even argue. Ah, she hates me so much she literally looks at me funny whenever she passes by. Her glares are weak, though. My hamster's are better."

"Okay, you keep thinking that, buddy." Jaemin was received with a push, nearly sending him toppling off the chair he was sitting on. Jaemin looked up at Donghyuck, unimpressed with this abuse. "You are a terrible hairdresser. I'm pretty sure shoving people off their chairs would lose your tips." 

Donghyuck was taking off the gloves and washing his hands for good measure, completely oblivious to the boy's criticism. "If I'm so bad, get one of your boyfriends to do it. I'm sure at least one of them knows how to do it almost as good as I." Jaemin swatted at Donghyuck's legs from where he was sitting, cursing his name. He rubbed his hands on his cheeks, as if the blush was paint. 

Donghyuck threw a towel at him, just because. "Let's watch a show 'till you need to take a shower. Then I have to go. You're welcome, by the way."

Jaemin playfully sneered his thanks and got up to help put everything away, then the two friends made their way down to Jaemin's living room. "Hey, when was your mom meant to be back from that trip, by the way?" Donghyuck enquired, side-eyeing Jaemin as they plopped down on the sofa with some chips and salsa. 

Jaemin frowned before replying, "She was meant to be back yesterday, actually, but her sister got ill and she decided to stay in Samcheok a bit longer. She's also taken up some research there in the meantime. It sucks, Dongmin and I haven't seen her in weeks. We only get to facetime her like twice a week."

Donghyuck gave Jaemin a little nod and a grin, turning on the TV. "What's good on Netflix?" Donghyuck sang a dumb little jingle, flipping through the shows and movies until he found one of major interest. "Oh my god, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is on Netflix."

"Shit, put it on!" They sat and ate chips until they'd finished the first two episodes, Jaemin commenting occasionally and showing off the fact he was a manga reader. Donghyuck shoved him four times. 

The tan boy then seemed to remember something as he gazed sadly into the empty void of the chip bag. He looked up, suddenly, pausing the fight scene falling out on screen. "Jaemin, when's your next date with those two?" 

Jaemin froze and looked at him like a deer in headlights. "Alright, first of all they weren't dates," Jaemin said weakly, Donghyuck countering with a superior roll of his eyes. "And second," he continued, much quieter, "I'm not going on any more." 

three is the perfect number || jaenoren (norenmin)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon