"Dad, no." I whined, giving him a pleading look.

I don't want Dad to embarrass me in front of Cole.

He sighed.

I won.

He nodded at me.

He sighed as he  looked at mom, as she nodded her head before he looked back at me.

"You know...about that James boy, I've heard that he got discharged from the asylum?" My dad asked me.


"I need you safe, Xandra. If he does anything to contact you, just let me know. Because I won't be leaving him this time." My dad strictly told me.

He knew?

"Okay. But there's a Ninty nine  percent  chance that he won't try to contact me. Like, how would he know I'm here?" I asked him.

"But Xandra...there is something you should know. I've heard that he's searching for you." Peter said, staring at me.

"Yeah, Tyler told me about that." I said, giving everyone a fake smile, trying to reassure them that I wasn't scared.

Just as my dad was about to tell me something, his phone rang, causing him to excuse himself as he left the room.

My momma bear told me not to worry about myself, as she went to the cafeteria to eat something.

I told Peter to call my friends inside.

I'm injured. I have the right to boss people around.

In about a second, all my friends entered the hospital room.

Jessica and Samantha had a guilty look on thier face.

Ryder looked as if he was trying very hard, not to laugh.

The rest of them were giving me sympathetic looks, other than Cole.

Cole had a blank expression on his face.

Jessica nudged Sam, who looked at her alarmed.

Sam cleared her throat, as she opened her mouth to speak.

"W- we are sorry. We didn't know the prank would go this far. All we wanted to do was, have some fun. We thought that since you're so scared of ghosts, we could just help you overcome it. We didn't know you would fall off the stairs and injure yourself. We really are sorry." She said in one breath.

Are you kidding me?

I felt my blood boiling, but I didn't say a word.

I am stuck in this hospital for the next two fucking days.

I can't go to school for the next one week.

All because of a fucking prank.

"Please say something." Jessica nervously whispered.

I won't. I won't talk to them. I'll never talk to them.

I ignored them.

Just to get my mind of them, I started searching for my IPhone.

I could feel all of my friends eyes on me.

I searched under the pillow, on the night stand, in the drawers of the night stand, even under the bed.

But I couldn't find it.

Where was it?

I heard a sob, as I stopped searching for my phone.

Looking at my friends, I realized that David and Mason were here too.

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