✧part one✧

11 10 15

" love is spending your life with someone you want to kill but not doing it because you'd miss them. "

"Come on, Clo! Let's be friends" Al said.

"Not really interested, sorry" I answered.

I actually do want to have friends but I'll have a hard time catching up with his personality.

"Then let's play a game! if you win, I won't force in being friends with me but if I win, you need to be my friend! no matter what" Al said, looking straight in my eyes.

Al looking serious is ridiculous. He looks like a marshmallow trying to be angry, he's too cute to look serious. But anyways...

"What game?" I asked, actually quite intrigued.

"Mmm.. Let's do a simple game, you know like a riddle battle?" Al said cheekily.

"Sure, I'll go first" I said.

"During what month do people sleep the least?" I said with a grin. I bet he doesn't know.

"Summer is on.. August right?" Al asked in confusion.

I nodded quickly. He's going to be wrong! haha.

"Oh wait! I got it! It's February isn't it? It's the shortest month so people sleep the least at that month. Am I right?" he teased while poking my cheeks that were all red because of anger.

"It's right" I grumbled.

"My turn, what jumps higher than a building?" Al asked, folding his hands as if he was god.

"Trick question! Buildings don't jump dork" I yelled in excitement.

I quickly covered my mouth, realizing I yelled too loud. Oops.

"Right. Your turn Clo and your cute when you yell" Al said.

I blushed a little but got over it, because this is serious, I need to win.

"What is a word made up of 4 letters, yet is also made up of 3. Sometimes is written with 9 letters, and then with 4. Rarely consists of 6, and never is written with 5." I said, with a winning smile. Im positive he won't be able to answer.

"Uhh what?" Al asked, feeling down. I repeated the question and Al wrote it down.

Minutes passed while Al is still thinking hard, staring at his paper. Suddenly there was a soft voice,

"Please?" he said.

one second, two seconds, and...
I burst into laughter, "That's your answer? Please? Oh my gosh I just can't" I kept laughing for a whole minute.

"Okay okay, Im sorry but its wrong obviously" I smirked. I noticed Al started to frown a little. A slight guilt crept up to me but I  tried my best to fight against it and continued talking.

"The answer is..."

lol I enjoyed writing this chapter cause I get to find hilarious riddles I could give to my friends aha. And yes, I got these riddles from the internet. Bravo to you by the way if you got these right😂👏🏻

Star LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora