Leaving the nest

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It was the morning of a cold Autumn day, and Trees stood tall, the rustled and swayed. 

And high in the tree tops, swaying with the rest, fragile and tiny, was a small robin's nest. 

Carefully crafted, crafted with careful measures, for within it's walls it held a small treasure.

 A not quite grown robin, longing for more, a not quite grown robin who was ready to soar

It's wings were sturdy, it was well prepared. But the robin was also a little bit scared.

Scared of falling, scared of the unknown, scared of not having a place to call home.

But the robin looked up at the wide open sky, it stretched out it's wings and started to fly

Flying into the wide open space, it started to fly, and fell flat on it's face.

The bird trembled and shook as it lay on the ground, it didn't move a muscle, didn't make a sound

Then it got to it's feet, shook of the dust, for he knew it was itself it had to trust

The bird got it's bearings, held it's head high, ruffled it's feathers and started to fly

So, I tried something different this time. I've always loved poetry, so I thought it would be fun to write a poem instead of a story ( plus it's like five times faster). As always, leave me constructive criticism, point out my grammer mistakes, and vote if you liked it.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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