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'No one knows who's destined to be yours.'

I readed the text on a paper taped at my-. Why is it here at my locker? I pulled it and put it in the trashcan.

"What a trash.." I sighed

"Hey Jia!" I heard my plastic friend called me. I knew she will need me again.

"I don't have a time for that Ray"

"Oh.. I just.." she showed me her notebooks. "Please..." I knew she'll command me to do her assignment to go early in a bar with full of boys.

"Stop it. You're just ruining her life" a boy speaked beside me. I-it's...

"D-Dao Ming Si? Wh-what.. I mean.. You are not included in our conversation so can you go now?"

"What do you mean can i go now? You must be forgetting that I'm the grandson of the school's owner?" he said seriously.

"I don't care. I'll do what I want. Don't block my decisions." Ray said making Ming Si's fist clench which means he's annoyed.

"Stop that Ming Si." a boy suddenly speaked from Ray's Back.

"Okay okay.." he smirked.

Ray suddenly run.

"Don't try to hit girls here." another boy said.

They suddenly feel my presence and looked at me.

"I'll go now. Bye" I simply said but suddenly one of the boy got my hand. "I'm sorry about our Dao Ming Si-ah? He's a trouble here hahaha" he said ang shyly laughed.

"It's okay. Bye." I said and released my hand making them feel idiot about theur selves looking at me until I got away from them.

'I'm Jia Cai. I don't need any friends here but If you'll give me one. The real one. I will appreciate him/her.' I thought and put my backpack on my back and walked. "I'm going now."

"How weird."

"Is she a Weirdo?"


When Do I Have To Say That I Love You (F4 X READER) ・ METEOR GARDEN  Where stories live. Discover now