"Can't you just leave him out of it? He's what? 14?" I said, trying to protect Chandler. "I already told you once. You're not gonna stop me from giving this kid what he deserves." Ryan said as he left.

I sighed. God only knows what's gonna happen to this kid. I have a daughter of my own, I couldn't imagine this kind of thing happening to her.

I walk over to Chandler to see him shaking. I was gonna say something until Ryan flung the door open.

"Alright kid! The guys are here...let's get going!" He said as he dragged Chandler out of the closet by his arm. I knew there was no use, so I just stayed in my room.

I couldn't bare to witness that poor kid getting hurt.

Chandler's POV
When this Ryan dude dragged me all the way to the living room, I saw a bunch of men sitting around and talking.

Ryan slammed me on one of the couches, where there wasn't anyone sitting down. He then brought in a chair and a rope. Oh no. I know what that's for. He then rips me off the couch, and ties me to the chair.

"P-please." I whimper. I wish I hadn't, though. As soon as I did he hit me in the face and yelled, "No speaking unless I ask you to!"

I felt warm tears slide down my cheek. Come on Chandler. Man up. I heard a voice in my head say. But it just hurts so bad and I wish everything would stop.

"Okay, here are the rules. You each can do whatever you want to him, one time, for what he did to William!" Ryan announced and all 9 guys cheered.

I don't understand why they hate me so much, and why they want to hurt me so badly. I get it, I'm worthless, but that doesn't mean they have to hurt me. I already know I mean nothing.

The first guy came up to me and untied me. He ripped my hoodie and shirt off, then hit me in the chest with a metal rod.

The pain was agonizing, and I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me. He hit me about 3 times before a tear slid down my cheek. So much for not giving him the satisfaction.

He hit like 11 times but it felt like 40. My chest and stomach were badly bruised already, and there was still 8 men to go.

Ryan tied me back up, but left my shirt and hoodie off. I was still crying at this point, because I know that the worst has yet to come. I knew for a fact this was true when a muscular man with brass knuckles came up to me.

He punched me in the face a few times, and I couldn't hold back my screaming and crying.

3rd Person POV
When the third man came up to Chandler, he was holding a blade. This caused the young boy to shake violently. He kneeled down a put the knife up to his stomach. He slowly began to carve the word 'crybaby' into Chandler's stomach. They had already carved the word 'weak'  into his forearm, near the crease of his elbow.

"How am I still conscious? Scratch that, how am I still alive at all?" Chandler thought to himself. Part of him couldn't help but think maybe it'd be better if he wasn't.

Most of the guys were doing the same things, cutting words into Chandler's skin, punching him, kicking him, etc. But the last guy had something different in mind.

The man had untied Chandler and dragged his half limp body into Ryan's room. He then threw Chandler on the bed, and started to take off his clothes.

Chandler's POV {A few hours later}
Everything hurts.

Why am I even here? My only purpose is to be used and tortured for others enjoyment. That's it. Whenever those men were finally done, Ryan dragged me back in Andy's closet (my new room) and I fought to stay awake.

I haven't seen Andy in a few hours, I'm pretty sure he left when those men came.

Jared was right. I would be better off dead. I can't even move right now without my whole body aching.

I'm so cold, too. All I have on is a pair of boxers. I have a thin blanket wrapped around me, but it doesn't help very much.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the closet door opening. I looked up to see Andy. "Jesus kid." He said and kneeled beside me. "Let me see your stomach, there's blood everywhere." He said in a panic, as he grabbed some medical supplies out of some bag. "I-I can't....m...move." I choked out.

"I'm tired." I whimpered.

"I know buddy, you can sleep soon I just gotta check out these cuts." He said as he reached to turn me over.

Out of reflex, I flinched away, but immediately regretted it when it sent sharp pain throughout my body, I cried out.

"It's okay, kid. Just let me see." Andy said. I hesitantly let him look. When he saw all the cuts and burn marks and words carved in my skin, his face went pale. He started to clean up the wounds and put bandages on them, I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out.

When he was done, I asked if he could give me back my clothes. "I saw them in the living room, let me wash them first. Here, put this on." Andy said and handed me a shirt.

Andy left and I put on the shirt he gave me, and it was really big. It must be one of his or something.

Chandler's POV {The next day}
I woke up to Ryan and Andy arguing. Even though the closet door is closed, I can still hear them perfectly.

"I'm just saying Ryan, if you want the kid alive then you need to give him time to heal before inviting the guys back over." I heard Andy say. But why would Ryan want me alive?

"Whatever. He has today. Tomorrow all 9 of them are coming back over. And they can do what they please." Ryan said. When I heard this, I started praying.

"God please, don't let it be as bad as last time." I prayed.


Anywaaaaayyyyyyssssssss Chandler  ↓↓

Anywaaaaayyyyyyssssssss Chandler  ↓↓

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