Author's Note

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Thanks for reading this story. This is what I consider the first 'real' book that I've written. I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

I ended up editing it and publishing it with a different title on Amazon. I ended up calling this story 'Lost In The Spider Caves of Knulkforrest'. 

You can see books I've written there and buy other books if you want to read more of my stories at

I started writing this as a short story for a writing contest. This story was only supposed to be a couple of pages long, but the it just kept growing. There is still so much more to write about Thorgaut. He has an amazing journey ahead of him.

I look forward to writing more about Thorgaut in the future, but right now I have to get back my original story about Art and finish writing that first. 

You can read my Edge of the Universe Series right here on Wattpad at  >>>

Meantime, feel free to drop me a line and tell me what you would like me to focus on in future NorthWorld stories. Would you like to know more about one of the secondary characters (Halldora, Svart, Runa, etc) or the other races (Shufflers, NightWalkers, Wolves, or Giant Spiders).

You can contact me directly or leave a comment on Wattpad to interact with other members of the NorthWorld family like yourself. I look forward to hearing from you.

Resource List

* Follow me on Wattpad and read my other stories at

* Want to know when Dave Bailey releases new stories?

* Read new stories daily as I write them for my sponsors at

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you liked it enough to want to read more of my stories. If so, I'll see you around. ;)

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