Abyss Snarer!

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"Abyss Snarer," Happy Feet said. "How wonderful to see you, dear. Come along with us. We're going up to check on my babies. Then we are off for a little walk."

The other spider didn't reply in a way Thorgaut and Svar could understand. Her front two legs started tapping the ground rapidly in front of her. She puffed up her abdomen at an angle. It looked like they were communicating in spider language whatever that was.

Thorgaut was standing between the two spiders, so he moved off to the side. Abyss Snarer was the exact opposite of Happy Feet. Her head was almost as large as her abdomen. And she had a lot more hair on her body and legs.

The markings seemed to move and undulate rapidly. At first, Thorgaut thought it was a trick of his eyes in the darkness. But as he watched he noticed it happen several more times.

He started to say something, but then decided against it. He didn't know what might trigger this spider into attacking. The spiders he had observed as a child were extremely fast. They could pounce on their prey from long distances of up to fifty times the length of their body. There was no way he could outrun it.

Abyss Snarer finally stopped drumming and lowered her abdomen. Happy Feet chuckled nervously. "Well, come along, boys. I need to make sure my babies are okay."

Thorgaut and Svart looked at each other. Svart shook his head slightly. Thorgaut understood what he meant. He didn't need to be a mind reader to surmise that the boy didn't trust the spiders either. He sure didn't want to end up becoming spider snack for the day.

"Well, look, ladies," Thorgaut spoke up. "I hate to be rude and run off on you like this after just having met and all. It's getting late though, and I need to find my friends before they get worried about me."

Thorgaut felt the familiar warm pressure of a mind reader in his head. Only this time it came on suddenly and sharply. He grabbed his head and doubled over to the ground in extreme pain. He could feel the spider roughly sifting through this memories and thoughts. He vomited at her feet, and she let up on his mind to pull back her feet in disgust.

"Get up," she hissed. "You're not going anywhere. That was a warning. The next time, I'll remove your memories permanently."

"But my friends," he moaned while still lying on the ground with his head between his hands. "They're looking for me by now."

"Oh, get over yourself and your puffed-up ego," she replied. "It's been a week since you last saw them. They're long gone by now on that little ship you came in."

Thorgaut rolled over and sat up. Svart helped him get up. His legs felt wobbly, and he stood unsteadily. He held onto Svar for support as he took a few shaky steps forward.

They followed Happy Feet back up the tunnel with Abyss Snarer following close behind.

Thorgaut sensed Abyss snarer's mind but wasn't sure if his impressions were correct. He got the feeling though that he could tell what she was thinking. It was as if the mind-reading force she used on him had unlocked something in his head. There seemed to be an open connection between their minds.

He sensed that she was impressed by something she had seen his memories. If he had to guess, he would have said that it had to do with the NightWalker biting him. Although he didn't know why that would impress her so much.

Thorgaut hoped he might be starting to learn how to mind read now. He reached out with his senses towards Svart. He could sense the boy walking beside and slightly behind him. It wasn't anywhere near strong enough to read the boy's thoughts though.

He turned his senses towards the other spider. Happy Feet tensed up when Thorgaut probed into her mind. The spider relaxed as soon as she realized what was going on though.

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