29- new friend? pt.2

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AND WE'RE BACK BITTTTCCHHESSS. 10 votes and comments for the next chapter.

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I held in a few moans and groans as I lay on top of Aubrey with him giving me a butt rub. We didn't have sex but I was damn close to it when he was looking at me and biting his lip.

"You okay ma?"

I nodded as he continued to rub my butt.

"I mean actually." He said as he stopped rubbing.

"Put your hands back on my ass." I laughed trying to hide my thoughts of the scary incident that happened a few hours prior.


"I'm going outside y'all. Watch my nigga Kenzie while I beat his ass." Aubrey said as he headed outside to join the boys who just used the Escalades to block in Justin's pussy ass ex who used to beat her.

"And don't look outside and carry Kenzie upstairs. She doesn't need to see her sexy uncle Aubrey fighting for her soon to be sexy auntie Justine."

A trembling Justine finally let out a small laugh and smile before Aubrey headed outside.

"C'mon let's carry Mac upstairs" Layla said to Justine as she carried Mackenzie to the guest room Aubrey created for her.

Mackenzie was knocked out so we layed her in her crib and went to peak by the window.

"I know that nigga ain't fighting the air." Justine muttered as she showed me Landon.

"Looks like Woah Vickey has met her match." I choked out as Landon fell from delivering a kick to the air.

"Damn, Aubrey and Kimetrius fucking him up." Justine laughed as she watched them deliver mutiple blows to his face.

"Why are the boys moving to Escalades?" Justine asked.

"Aubrey isn't really about any illegal shit, which is why I'm surprised he beat him up, but since you have a restraining order and he violated it they called the cops so he can spend some time in the slammer."

"Become someone's bitch. I really hope he drops that damn soap." Justine mumbled as she got up to go talk to the newly arrived police.


"I just can't seem to drop that damn good for nothing nigga."

"Well you know he's going to jail for all that gang shit and this charge to will keep him in three for a while."

"Honestly Aubrey, he'll probably die in their. The guys in the gang he was in didn't agree with him beating me and he took a lot of shit for it. They also just hated him in general."

I took a pause.

"I know they're gonna set him up in there." I choked out through cries.

"Don't worry about that mamas. Just get some rest." Aubrey said in between kisses on my neck.

He then slowly wiped my tears and played with my hair until I went to sleep.


10 votes 10 comments ShISHtarS

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