Chapter 4: Problems and Issues

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Four hours later, it was two o' clock before dawn. Everyone were sleeping in the room. The room was dark, and quiet. James was snoring while everyone were asleep. Brownbear, who was on the bed, was sleeping but there were noises whispering inside his head, probably his nightmares perhaps. What would it be? His flashbacks? Then, more noises were coming, making it so not understandable for him to dream. His dreams are full of trauma. They were filled with something that are not very comfortable for him including the day he was cursed five months ago. The Kryston's Symbol, the symbol which is common for the most successful furries like him, Humpty Dumpty II's words when he was going to defeat him, and Mr. Utopia who turned into a beast when the time limit of being normal is over.

By the time he remembered the dream about Humpty Dumpty II's words that hurt his heart so much and more noises continued haunting him, he quickly opened his eyes, jerking up with a gasp. He panted, rubbing his tired eyes. Gazing around the room, they were still asleep. Luckily, he haven't wake Aqua up. He sighed in relief, trying to think for something that he was curious about his parent's life. His parents never told him their lives before he was born. He only remembered the life of his birth place before he moved to another place.

Then, he finally had an idea. Maybe searching for clues about the death or the disappearance of his parents may help him since he remembered when he was going to defeat the leader of the Dark Prime, Humpty Dumpty II.

Brownbear took his eyeglasses from the night stand, put it on, and then slowly went off the bed. After, he went for his luggage, slowly taking out his laptop. He sat on a couch near the bathroom door after he got the laptop, curling his legs on the couch seats, and placed the laptop on his lap. He already had connected the Wi-Fi since he used his laptop yesterday afternoon.

He quickly searched his topic on Poodle. He typed the word 'The Edurardo Family' on the search tab but it came out with his own website, the biography of his friends and its social networking applications. He rubbed his nose bridge to think something clearly. He backspaced everything and quickly changed the word 'The Missing Edurardo's.' It came out nothing but the same as the previous one.

"What it would be?" thought Brownbear, trying to think for something.

Before he tried to change on the search tab, there is one link left that was related to the one he searched.

Edurardos Found Dead After The Tragic Plane Crash
July 14, 2003 -
On the 23rd day of August 1997, there was a tragic incident happened when the plane flew to an unknown place. Ricardo Edurardo D.A. along with...

Being curious about the topic, Brownbear simply clicked on the link, opening to another website. It shows the entire news article and its story. Waiting for it to refresh, a bunch of words and its website background showed up, flashing it to the screen.

Edurardos Found Dead After The Tragic Plane Crash

On the 23rd day of August 1997, there was a tragic incident happened when the plane that carries several passengers flew to an unknown place. Ricardo Edurardo D.A, the most famous artist and author who wrote the international best-selling novels, along with his wife, Eleanor Edurardo, were found dead after the plane crashed to an unknown place including some the passengers. 31 passengers were found dead, 24 passengers survived, and 13 passengers were missing.

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