Chapter ten

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Jugheads POV:
I was out for a ride when I heard the footsteps getting faster and faster. I decided to check it out. It was no other then Betty. And by the looks of it. She was being stalked. I huffed to myself before pulling up next to her

With her safely on my bike I sped off away from the guy. "Where do you live?" I asked.
"Next to Archie" she yelled back. I nodded silently. That neighbourhood. I let out a slow breath and turned towards her road.

We pulled up outside her house. She got off and clearly had shaky legs. I smile to myself and run a hand through my hair.

"I guess I'll see you at school?" She said in an uncomfortable tone. I nod and slip my helmet on before kicking the gas and roaring down the street toward southside

Betty's POV

"Home!" I shout up to my mom. I hear some footsteps before being pulled into a warm hug I smile but she doesn't smile back
"Was that a motorbike I heard dropping you off?" She asked in a stern tone. I shook my head "I walked home. A motorbike just went past was all" she seemed to accept the answer and nod.

"Good. Because that will be the Jones boy. Just got out of prison. Don't go talking to him" she said with a raise eyebrow as she picked up some letters off the side. I didn't say anything about science or that I helped him over the holidays while he was locked up. I just said "yes mum" and ran upstairs to bed

Jughead's POV

I opened the door to the trailer. It was cleaner then yesterday. And by the looks of it. FP was awake. I sigh quietly and drop my bag by the door before going to my room. I sat down slowly and looked around. I ease myself down and fall asleep sleep hitting me like a truck
I wake up slowly. I groan and pull the covers off myself. I climb to my feet before throwing on my usual outfit.

I walk out to the kitchen to find FP day drinking a beer. I huff and snatch it from him "it's to early for that" I whisper yell. He looks up slowly an d shakes his head before taking it back "your not my dad". I slam my hand on the table before turning and storming outside

My bike pulls up at the front of the school. I slide off and put my helmet down.

I trudge toward the school building while fixing my hair. Once inside I check my timetable. Science. Again. I huff and head off to the science class.

Betty's POV

I have science first but I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared. After my mums earning I wasn't too sure what to think about him.

I walk into the room and sit down. He was here yet. I pretend not to be disappointed and take my seat.

Soon enough the door swings open and in walked jughead. I watch him quietly as his raven hair bounces over his eye. He notices me and smirks before coming over and sitting down.

I study him while he sets up. I notice he still has deep cuts and lines around his wrists and his knuckles are still busted. I sigh and face the front. Getting the lesson over with

Jugheads POV

I sigh walking out of the class. I'd given up hiding the marks that the handcuffs had left. My and betty talked a little bit. But not much. She seemed so tense around me all of a sudden.

Walking down the corridor I hear my name being shouted but ignore it. Suddenly I am slammed into some nearby lockers and find myself face to face with Reggie.

"Murderer" he snarled in my face. I took it quietly. Letting the anger bubble up. "We see the marks. The cuts in your arms and knuckles. Are you safe to be here?" He growls in my face. I sigh and push him off.

I turn and walk away. He grabs my arm and spins me around. I huff and punch him to the side of the face. A solid bang rang out. People stoped chanting fight and stared at me.

"JUGHEAD JONES" I hear the principal yell. I groan as I turn to face him "MY OFFICE. NOW!" I nod and follow behind him. Kicking reggie as I went past.

As we enter the office I roll my eyes at the sight of the sheriff. I take a seat slowly. "One more outburst and we will have to transport you between lessons" the sheriff said in a warning tone. I nod slowly and stand up but before I leave I hear the principal " What was he saying?" He asked I sighed turning around "calling me a murderer. Asking if I was safe. Which clearly I'm not" I say in a bitter tone before walking out and back into the school.

Betty's POV

I watched it all happen. How jughead took Reggie's shit the same as he did the guard. How he tried to leave. It was Reggie's own fault he got hit really.

I give a worried look as I see jughead being led back to the principals office. Knowing full well he was possibly on his last chance.

I see him storm out and head to his bike. I sigh watching him as he zooms off in the distance toward the southside

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