Chapter two

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Betty POV:
I smile to the reception lady. "Betty Cooper" I say. Showing her my ID. She nods at me before buzzing my through. I smile to myself and run up the heavy metal stairs toward my office.

The office was fairly big. With a warm feel to it. Despite this being a prison. I looked forward to work. I liked helping. I like seeing change. Especially in people

I shake my head. My iconic pony tail flicking side to side as I do. I reach forward and pick up my diary. I only have a few people to see today.

I frown to myself. One of them was marked red. That's only for very violent prisoners. That can't be right. I sigh as I re read the name 'Jughead Jones' I shrug. He can't be that bad with that name.

I lift my hands to my head and tighten the pony tail before heading back down the stairs. Files under my arm. I turn to the private room for violent prisoners. I haven't been in here for so long.

Slowly I unlock the door. My hand shaking slightly. I shook it off as Adrenalin. I walk in. Setting the files down on the table I look around. I sigh looking at the panic button under the table. They are serious about him. Huh.

I sit down on my chair and tap my hands on the table. I glance at his files a few more times before deciding to read them.

Before I could do so however there were two solid knocks at the door. I sigh. That's them then. I get up slowly and open the door. Only to be met with a teen. With green blue eyes. Raven hair and , a beanie? I look him over. He wasn't bad on the eyes that was for sure. He must be around the same age as me.

I shook it off and looked at the guard. I nodded silently and stepped back. Letting the guard lead Jughead in. He wore cuffs attached to his waist and shackles on his ankles. I raise an eyebrow before gesturing the guard away

The guard came over silently and murmured in my ear "be careful. He's unpredictable" before leaving and closing the door.

I gulp and look over the boy again

He lifted his hands. Showing his empty palm. Like a truce.
I nod and sit down slowly. Easing myself down. My heart thumping

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