Chapter seven

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Betty's POV:
Panic floods through me as he leaves. He was so calm. Like he. Like he. Expected it? But how would he know?

I glance at him. He made some hand gesture to another guy. I raise an eyebrow confused and look at him as he leans back.

I walk out slowly and join him. My hands shaking. A guard barges past and into his cell. They throw everything to the ground and tear through his stuff.

I look at jughead. He was so calm. A guard came up "Jones" he said in a rough voice. Jughead nodded as he was pulled aside he spread his arms and legs out as they patted him down. Jughead took off his beanie and showed them it. Once satisfied the guard let jug back into his cell.

Jughead instantly started to clean up. Picking up the mattress and blanket silently and flung it back into the metal shelf. He went around the tiny space in silence.

I watched amazed at how calmly he handled it. I walked in after him and sat on his bed watching him.

He rubbed his face. Clearly stressed. He went to the now closed bars and stuck his arms out. He again made some sort of hand signals. After a few minuets of him watching the cells he pulled back and smiled to himself as he changed out of him top.

"What was that about" I asked. He looked up "guards gave up attacking serpents. We didn't cause an issue. We aren't worth their time anymore" he shrugged and sat down

"So that's why you were so calm? He nodded "they soon get bored of us"

I smiled and swung my legs "where do you want me sleeping?" 

He shook his head. "No no no" he said " you have the bed. I'll be fine"
I smile at him

~ next morning ~
I woke up slowly. My back aching instantly. I slowly opened my eyes and saw jughead moving around already. But he wasn't in prison wear. I frown and slowly get up "what's going on?" I murmur

Jughead glances over and smiles "I'm released today. Overcrowding" I nod slowly and take in the outfit. Grey trousers with a black top with an s print on it. He wore a leather jacket and a red flannel tied around his waist.

I stood up and walked towards the bars. All of the prisoners were up. But it was dark out "we wake at 5" he explained and I nodded. His cell opened and he walked out. Quietly. I froze when I saw the back of his jacket "you didn't say you were the leader of the gang" he turned slowly "you didn't ask" he shrugged.

I smiled to myself and followed him out.

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