... With New Beginnings

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No te pido abrazos

No te pido un beso

Solo una mirada, te lo pido por favor...

Without a word, Simón took a step closer and smiled gently, holding out his hand to her. With her heart pounding, Ámbar placed her hand in his and moved closer too, leaving them centimeters apart. He placed his other hand on her waist and, slowly, they started swinging to the melody.

Si te pido un sueño...

Sueño con tu risa...

Sueño que tú seas diferente a los demás...

"What was that?" Ámbar murmured after some seconds of dancing. She was scared to ask, scared to speak louder than a whisper and break whichever spell had fallen upon him that made him look at her like that. But songs always came to an end and she needed to know.

Simón kept the slow dance going as he answered.

"That... was me facing my feelings head-on, as you said," he muttered, and she couldn't help but stare at him in awe.

Y veo pasar los segundos...

Si estás a mi lado enciendes el sol...

"Ámbar, I..." He started, emotion thick in his voice, his eyes staring into hers. "I feel so many things for you that I can't even deny it anymore. And I don't want to. I'm so tired of fighting against this. And I still think that it probably won't be easy but... nothing good ever is."

Ámbar felt like her heart was gonna burst at any minute. "So, you're saying... you want to be together?" She whispered, daring to hope.

His brown eyes danced with hers.

"I do."

Si me quieres quédate conmigo...

Que los sueños se hagan realidad...

Y al fin despertaré, y al fin despertaré...

Simón stood still and held her hands in his. "I want to be with you, Ámbar. I'm done staring at you from afar, I wanna be close to you... If that's what you want as well."

She was surprised he even had to ask.

She squeezed his hands. "I do. Of course, I do," she said, giving him a little smile, and he gifted her with the most beautiful one.

He kissed the back of her hands. "Just, let's take things slow, okay?" He proposed. "I feel like, we kinda rushed into this, and I don't want to make any mistakes. Not this time."

That sounded logical, but she laughed a little because— "How does kissing me in front of everyone count as slow?"

"I—" Simón seemed to realize that right then, making Ámbar giggle. "Okay, yeah, I wasn't exactly thinking when I did that." They both laughed. "But I blame you! You're just too kissable, I couldn't resist."

Ámbar chuckled, feeling her cheeks grow a little warm. Whatever; she didn't care, she was happy.

"And anyway," Simón continued, "it's not like I meant keeping it a secret," he clarified. "Although... I would wait a little before we tell your grandfather. You know how he gets."

Roads That Cross...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz