Chapter 2

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In the Arrow Cave..

"Nessa you keep hesitating, go for the kill."

"I'm sorry Ollie, I just don't want to hurt you by accident" said Nessa starting she was to get frustrated. She had been sparring with Oliver for two hours and he wouldn't let her take a break.

"Don't worry about me I am the Green Arrow for gods sake I do push ups in my sleep and—"

Mid sentence Nessa managed to knock him off his balance and pin him to the floor. "Aha what were you saying Ollie? I believe that is now four points for me." The girl remarked with a smug grin on her face. She then turned to see Sara and Laurel watching Oliver get up trying to play off losing to the younger girl.

"Alright I think that's enough sparring for today I have a nightclub to run" Oliver states leaving before anyone could comment on his loss.

Vanessa walked towards the sisters whom to her, were the siblings she never had. Laurel always played the responsible one making sure she kept her grades up and did her homework. Although Sara was gone for much of that time She still played the fun one getting her into trouble, teaching her how to fight league style. In fact Nessa had been doing very well with her league training even though it was unofficial and took place in the Arrow Cave, Sara knew Vanessa would have done well at the in the League.

"Hey Nes, dinner time. We figured since Sara is leaving and all we could do our bonding Big Belly Burger and game night." Said Laurel

"Yeah, but you totally need a shower first." Sara grinned teasing her little sister.

"Alright message received Sar I'll take a shower at home and then walk over to Laurel's apartment. By the way just so we are clear, I get to pick the game this time. Last time you guys made me play Twister and I almost got crushed to death by Sara." The youngest Lance claimed while she packed up her gear.

"Sounds good see you in an hour nes" Laurel said leaving with Sara by her side.

An hour later Vanessa stood I front of Laurel's apartment. She unlocked the door using the key Laurel gave her and walked inside. That night the trio ate, played many rounds of uno (Nessa being the winner mostly), and talked for hours. It was about two in the morning by the time they showed any signs of tiredness. The three sat on the floor leaning against the couch. All wrapped up in blankets Vanessa rested her head on Laurel's lap lying down while Sara leaned onto Laurel's shoulder. The only light in the room came from the fire place. A silence fell across the room. It wasn't awkward at all more comfortable and safe. Vanessa then broke the silence lifting her head slightly so she could see the older girls more clearly.
"Hey sar?"
"Yeah nessa?"
"When are you gonna be back? I mean time traveling and everything it seems like it might take awhile." Vanessa said concern and sadness evident in her tone. She had been left before and seeing Sara go again after they had just gotten her back was terrifying to her.

Laurel began to stroke Vanessa's dark brown hair which calmed the girl down slightly. It was what she did those late nights when she would wake up to Vanessa yelling in her sleep from the nightmares. Although she was now 18 and the nightmares only appear once in awhile now she still felt comfort in the simple action.

Sara turned to the girl trying not to reveal the doubt in her eyes "I don't know kid, but I promise I'll be home soon. Plus I'm totally going to bring back some 16th century sword for your collection." She said giving the girl a wink.

"You better Lance the second."

Laurel just smiled at the remark holding her two younger sisters close as they fell asleep that night.

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