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The police told me to stay in the station and they were gonna raid the place. I wanted to come with them real badly. So they agreed on bringing me with them but on the condition, I stay inside the car.

In the mean time, before the raid, the police sent some people to watch the place and just then, the officer who was with us, officer Hong was on the phone probably talking to some other officers.

I felt nauseous as the time passed. I felt like vomiting and I wanted to talk myself into not interfering with the police's work but at the same time, I also wanted to go there myself and kill the person behind all Kiara's pain and suffering. This time, I definitely will never leave her alone again. Not just physically but also emotionally and everything else. I'd rather kill myself than make her cry again.

"Kid, come on. Move fast it all ends tonight." Officer Hong said. He had a serious face on. I knew he was serious and I trusted him to get my girl back safe and sound. If not, I will go there myself and pull her out of that hell hole. "Remember, do not leave the car."

A few minutes later, we were on the road. There were at least two black vans with armed men inside. I got in a black car with my brother and other two officers. The police sirens were turned off so it wouldn't give out our rescue.

We arrived at an unfamiliar place. It was already dark and there weren't any people around.

A man in a civilian's clothing walked out of the shadows. It surprised me but the officer sitting in the front seat slid the window down a bit enough to communicate with the guy.

"Sir, the mastermind is inside..." He whispered.

"About how many men are there?" Officer Hong asked.

"I'd say... About 10 people were already inside but when Daewon came, 5 men were following him..." He said. "I've met the one who leaked information. His name is Alex."

"Okay. Secure him and our lady in distress."

Without wasting anymore time, the vans parked behind a building and the armed men quietly sneaked in the shadows. Just like in the movies. Four men separated with the group with huge black bags and went to what I noticed were the tall buildings that had great view.

"Both of you stay here no matter what happens." Officer hong said before moving out with the other officers.

The officer who stayed with usinside the car turned on the radio signal just incase someone needs back up and all those.

Without anything to do... I continuously tapped my knees to get rid of the nervousness and my bad feeling. I couldn't do anything but pray for Kiara's safety. Never in my life did I become so scared of loosing someone.


"Hey there sis... Any food you want???music??? Do you need anything???" The bastard who kept me here asked. He sounded sweet and so different from the guy who went insane last time. "Come on, tell me. I should at least grant you your last meal and any wish..."

My hands and feet were free. My mouth was free and yet I stayed in bed, too weak to talk and fight back. I only knew my eyes looked at him, begging him to stop all these mess and to let me go. I knew I was quietly praying for my dear life.

Soon enough a guy in black slammed the door open and quickly alerted Daewon "Sir! Yiu have to leave the police are here!"

Daewon grit his teeth in anger and pulled me up harshly. "I think those police want you dead sooner!" He glared at me. My knees were week and I felt like the world was spinning. "I should just kill you! Damn it!"

"The police are surrounding the building!" Another guy said.

Daewon dragged me to the top floor. As we were rushing up the stairs, I heard a lot of fires from guns. My eyes widened. A lot of people will die because of Daewon's insanity.
"Please. ..." I begged weakly. "Let me go ."

He didn't pay attention to me and just dragged us to the top floor. When we got there, he took his gun and pointed it at me. Both of us stood at the ledge of the rooftop.

The firings stopped when the police from below caught sight of us. Daewon hugged me from behind and was pointing a gun to my head.
He laughed loudly like a crazy man he is.

"Put the gun down!" A police officer from down there shouted. They were looking up.

My eyed glistened and watered when I saw the most important person to me in my life... Even though my eyes were blurry because of fatigue and stress and tears, I still saw him among the people... Even if it was dark, with only the street lights illuminating him, he shone like a diamond.

My breathing ragged.

I have never been so scared in my entire life...

"Drop the gun and let her go! We promise you, Daewon... Everything will be alright." An officer said.

"She'll die with me!" Daewon shouted like a maniac. His eyes swelled with tears. "My sister will die with her brother!!!'

I breathed deeply. I could feel the cool metal against my temple. I tool another deep breath and used up my strength to turn and look at him. "Daewon...." I whispered. "Please... i don't want to die..." I begged.

He then smirked and took my hand and placed his gun on his hand. Smiling at me sadly he said "Shoot me then.... Its okay if you're the one who'll do it."

My fingers trembled as he guided my hand to point the gun at his chest.
"Do it!! Kill me and meet me in hell!!"

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