"It's okay baby girl," He sighs, reaching back to help let her out of her car seat and she crawls in his lap, "Look at the bright side, once you get these shots you won't need any others until you start kindergarten! And that won't be for a looooong time."

She pouts, getting off her mom's lap and allowing him to leave. Like promised, the pregnant man carries his two year old into the office and by the time they get inside he's huffing and puffing from carrying her and from the heavy jacket he has on for the November weather. He sits her down, but she whines and reaches for him. He immediately rips his coat off and reveals his small bump, his barely noticeable seven week bump, and Minseo squeals. She cups it and kisses it after raising his shirt up, "Is that my baby sisters?"

Yoongi was slightly embarrassed by the weird looks so he tries to cover his belly up, but the little girl insists on showing the world her baby siblings in her mommy's belly. She points to his belly as he's trying to pull his shirt down, "That's my baby sisters!"

Yoongi hurries to the window and checks her in, shaking his head while the nurse inside the cubicle just giggles, "She's adorable, is she two I'm guessing?"

"Yes, and she's wild," Yoongi tells her, the woman just giggles more and takes the clipboard once she's signed in. He sighs, "Now we wait."


"Minseo, you're doing so good!" The doctor praises as she checks Minseo's weight and her heart rate, "You've gained probably six pounds since the last time we seen you! Which is good because now you're at a normal weight for a two year old girl."

"I'm worried she's thin," Yoongi brings up the concern and the doctor chuckles.

"Majority of the two year olds lose their baby weight, mostly for the fact that they're up and walking and playing more. I was worried too when my oldest was her age, he was a chunky baby and he lost the chubby belly and cheeks quickly once he started walking and running to play. It's perfectly normal. However, when she's losing too much, that's when you need to bring her in. However, Minseo seems to be doing just fine!"

Yoongi smiles, then the doctor claps her hands when the nurse brings in a tray with a pretty pink napkin, "Alright mom, I'm afraid it's that time."

Yoongi sighs, he was really dreading it but the nurse looks up beat and instantly got Minseo's attention, "Hey Mini, wanna see something cool?"

Minseo, being the curious child she is, nods her head with a grin. The nurse lifts up her long sleeved thermal under her scrubs and reveals the prettiest tattoo sleeve Yoongi has ever seen. Same for Minseo, she gasps, touching the arm in awe, "What i' it?"

"It's called a tattoo baby," Yoongi tells her, smiling slightly, "It's artwork most people put on their bodies when they're old enough to get it done."

Minseo pokes the kitten on the nurse's arm, giggling, "Did you dwaw it wi' cwawons?"

The nurse chuckles, "Nope! My husband drew them on me!"

As Minseo asked questions after questions, the doctor readies the needle and medicine, she takes in a deep breath and Yoongi catches his daughter's attention, "Hey Mini, come sit on my lap and let her tell you about her tattoos."

Minseo nods, crawling into his lap and sitting to watch the nurse point to every single one and talk about them. Once she gets to the white kitten with a pink collar, the doctor makes her move and sticks the needle gently into Minseo as she points to it and babbles to the nurse about how she wanted a kitten. When she was done, Yoongi smiles, "Good job Mini!"

She frowns, looking over and seeing the needle. She pouts, "No mommy!! No ouchies!"

"We're almost done baby-"

"No!!" Minseo screams, starting to thrash but the nurse catches her attention again.

"Minseo, hey," she lifts her other sleeve and reveals roses and all kinds of other flowers, "Look at all the flowers I have! Aren't they pretty?"

Minseo sniffles, whimpering, "Yeah."

"Do you know what each one is?"

Minseo shakes her head and the nurse chuckles as she points to each one and explains each one to the two year old. Minseo was very intrigued the different flowers on this lady's arm. This gives the doctor the opportunity to get the next needle ready, and gently sticks Minseo's leg. She feels the prick however, and her attention draws to the needle in her leg and she instantly starts crying.

Yoongi cheers, "You did so good baby girl! I'm so proud of you!!"

Minseo cries, cuddling into Yoongi as the doctor covers the wound with a pink cupcake band aid, she smiles to the little girl, "You did so good honey! You're such a big girl!"

Minseo wipes her eyes, whimpering in Yoongi's chest as the doctor gives instructions for after care. They finally leave, the doctor gives Minseo a cherry lollipop and a kitten sticker before they leave. Jooheon stands once they walk towards the exit and smiles, "How did you do Mini?"

"It huwt, but looky Papa!" She shows her sticker and her lollipop and Jooheon gasps.

"What! I want one you're so lucky!" Minseo giggles, handing him his sticker and he smiles, "No baby, you earned that. You keep it."

She smiles, hugging it to her chest and Yoongi kisses her cheek, "Alright, it's time for Mommy to keep his promise now. Let's go get you some ice cream and a toy!" Minseo cheers, they leave the doctors office and head to the nearest ice cream shop. Yep, Min Minseo was one happy girl.


I'm very late on updates so I'm posting this without editing again. I really need to go through each chapter and really edit my stuff. I was reading through and noticed a few errors. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this one!!

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