Oh, Christmas Tree :

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Yoongi managed to make a quick dessert for his mom's before the time came for them to leave. Jooheon helps load things in Yoongi's car then comes back and wraps Minseo in two blankets. Just as he was about to leave, Yoongi sees him covering the carseat with a blanket and arches his eyebrow, "Is her car seat too big for your sister and her son to sit in the back?"

"Well, I'm actually going to drive by our house and she's going to follow us in her own car. She didn't want to have to drag Jaemin's car seat out of hers and switching them back and forth," Jooheon sets Minseo's car seat down and checks on her one more time, the baby now awake and looking around.

Yoongi comes over and checks the straps, confirming that they were tight enough, "Is the car ready?"

"Yep, nice and toasty for us to be warm the entire drive," Jooheon smiles, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I need to call Namjoon on the way and see if he's coming. I'd be very surprised if he does," Yoongi takes his phone out and sends a quick text, "With this being Minseo's first Christmas, you'd think he'd be there."

"Well, hopefully he comes. If not just to be a civil human, then for his daughter," As much as Jooheon wanted to say something else, he had to be the positive guy and not create more drama and negativity when Yoongi already has so much going on with Minseo's father.

Yoongi smiles, shutting off the lights and grabbing the pie he threw together, "Alright, let's go!"


The drive to Jooheon's house wasn't bad, but getting in the driveway was a different scenario. Jooheon just decided to park in the street and honk the horn, seeing his sister come out of the house holding gift bags in one hand and a little boy's hand in the other. They made it to the vehicle and Jooheon chuckles, "Ready?"

Yoongi nods, linking their hands together in the middle console and hanging on tightly. Minseo fell asleep, warmth surrounding her and her fuzzy blanket Yoongi's mom made for her provided comfort. Jooheon drives carefully to Yoongi's mom's place, and luckily it wasn't far from Jooheon's house and the roads weren't slick.

Jooheon helps Yoongi out first, then takes the pie he was holding while Yoongi grabs Minseo's car seat after covering her up with the other blanket. Jooheon's sister parks right beside them and gets out herself, helping her son out and grabbing the crockpot in her backseat. While Jooheon went to help her, Yoongi carries Minseo inside so she wouldn't get cold, then heads back out for the pie. Immediately, she was swooped up by Jimin. He removes the straps and cradles her head as he removes her from the seat and holds her.

"Mini," Jimin coos, smiling at her when she grins slightly, "Awe look at that pretty smile, always smiling for Uncle Jimin isn't that right?"

"Do you know if Namjoon is coming?" Yoongi asks, coming over to take off his shoes after delivering the pie to the kitchen.

"Not that I know of, last time I talked to him and Seokjin, they were thinking about going to Florida for Seokjin's parents," Jimin rolls his eyes, bouncing Minseo in his arms and goes back to talking to her and playing with her.

Yoongi sighs, "Figures, he'd rather be with Seokjin than celebrate Minseo's first Christmas with her."

"Hyung, I don't know if he's told you yet-"

"Yoongi, will you take the crock pot please?" Jooheon calls to him outside.

Yoongi immediately comes to the rescue, taking the device and delivering it to the kitchen as Jooheon and his sister and nephew comes through with him. They take their snow covered boots off by the door and hang their coats up, just in time for the sister to look up and see Yoongi fixing Minseo's adorable Santa hat, "Ah, so this is the famous Yoongi."

Yoongi smiles, he wasn't sure what to take from that so he just smiles and hope it's a good thing she said that. She smirks, "I'm Jisoo, the famous sister of Jooheon he's probably mentioned so much about."

Yoongi laughs, he was going to like her. While they get caught up in conversation, her son shies himself in her legs and allows Jooheon to take his coat off and hang it up. Jimin watches from afar, he really needed to tell Yoongi something but he can see he was busy. Maybe some time during the night, he can break the news to him.


Yoongi helps his mom clean dishes, every now and then peeking in the living room to make sure Minseo needed anything. His mom chuckles, "Yoongi, she's fine. She's got all kinds of good people surrounding her."

Yoongi nods, "I know, I just want to be sure that she's there."

His mom pats his shoulder, kissing his head, "Have you heard from Namjoon?"

"Nope, probably on their way to Florida," Yoongi rolls his eyes, "Absolutely ridiculous that he would skip out of this."

His mom hums, "Has Jimin told you anything else?"

Yoongi frowns, "No? What?"

She shakes her head, "You need to sit down with Namjoon, Namjoon only, and talk to him."

"What is going on," Yoongi laughs nervously, he had a feeling of what it was but he didn't want to assume the worst yet.

"Yoongi," Jimin comes in with Minseo, "Where are her diapers? She pooped and it kind of smells."

"They should be in her diaper bag on the side pocket," Yoongi points to it on the table, but then goes over and grabs them for the younger. Jimin thanks him before leaving the room. His mom watches him leave, narrowing her eyes. Yoongi arches his eyebrow, "What?"

"Is it just me, or is Jimin noticeably glowing?" She clicks her tongue, "I don't want to say anything because I don't know if he knows or not."

Yoongi's eyes widen, "You think he's pregnant?!"

She shrugs, "Could be, or it could be him holding Minseo that gives him that glow."

Yoongi purses his lips, thinking to himself that there is so much going on, and he's not even sure where to begin to try and get to the bottom of the situation. He just decides to wait and see what happens, until the door opens then shuts and Namjoon turns the corner. He lets out a breath and waves awkwardly, "Hi everyone."

"Hyung, you actually made it," Jungkook grins, standing up and going over to greet him.

"Yeah, our flight got cancelled due to the snow. So we called his parents and explained to them that we won't be able to make it this year," Namjoon shrugs, walking over to Minseo in Jimin's arms.

Jimin stands and gets away from him, a glare on his face as he holds her close, "You need to go speak to Yoongi before you see her."

Namjoon arches his eyebrow, "Really? I need permission to see my daughter?"

"From the mother, legally, yes. But I think you have a few things to tell him am I right?" Jimin narrows his eyes. Minseo looks up at Jimin with wide eyes, looking over every single part of his face.

Namjoon sighs, "It's too soon-"

"You tell him, or I will," Jimin snaps, "You're already on his shit list right now for not showing up for Minseo's first Christmas. Or, being late that is."

Namjoon nods, "Where is he?"

"Behind you," Namjoon hears his voice and turns to see Yoongi standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows raised, "What is too soon to tell me Namjoon."

Namjoon comes over to him, "Don't be pissed."

"I won't if you tell me the truth," Yoongi snaps.

"You'll be pissed at this," Namjoon promises, biting his lip and growing nervous.

"What. Is. It," He grits out, jaw clenched.

He mumbles something and Yoongi leans closer, not taking his eyes off of him until finally speaks up, "Seokjin thinks he's pregnant."

Seokjin thinks he's pregnant.



Drama bomb!!!

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