The guilt was there and in moments like this one, it was tough to ignore it. I didn't even want to imagine how disappointed Taeyong would be if he would know that I was working for cops. I would undoubtedly feel betrayed if I was in his position, but in moments like this one I had to remind myself of my other option. 

Taeyong crossed his arms on his chest and raised an eyebrow. '' I'm surprised that you changed your mind, Rei. You want to run with the Aces now? Well, I guess that I'll finally be able to stop worrying about you getting in trouble. I mean, I know that you probably haven't changed, but if you're with them, you're at least going to have someone to watch your back. ''

'' You're still with the same guys as always? Doing everything that makes you money? '' I grinned and asked: '' How's Mark? He was like fifteen the last time that I saw him! ''

Taeyong wasn't together with any gang, but he had his own group of people that worked together with him. They were like brothers and they always took care of each other. In the past he used to pester me about officially joining them too, but eventually he gave up when he realised that there was no use. I was always against solid alliances with any gangs and after looking at him more closely, I noticed that he was a little offended that after changing my mind, I said yes to someone else instead of him.

'' I still can't even imagine you as a motorcycle gang member, '' Taeyong replied and shook his head. He bit his chopsticks and thoughtfully frowned as his eyes travelled up and down my body. 

I couldn't help it but to feel a little embarrassed under his stare, but I was well aware of what he was talking about. '' I know, right? Can you imagine me ditching my sparkly outfits for a leather jacket? I look like a ten year old going through her edgy phase when I wear black! ''

He opened his mouth to say something, then he closed it again and covered it with his hand to hide an amused giggle. I narrowed my eyes and hissed: '' This is the part where you try to convince me that I totally don't instead of holding yourself back from saying that I always look stupid. ''

He opened his mouth again, but this time I interrupted him before he could say anything. '' That's right, maybe we were apart for a few years, but I can still read your mind, T. Should I come after whatever thought process brought you to put on a chequered shirt and a zebra print pants? ''

He stared at me with an offended expression on his face, while I challengingly raised my eyebrows and grinned. In the next moment both of us burst in to laughter and I forgot about my guilty feelings from earlier. I didn't even realise until now how much I missed being free. I used to tell myself that it was fine, even if I was in prison, but that was all a lie. 

In reality, a convict dies on the day they get a life in jail sentence. It's inevitable. It was still early for me and I was trying to hold on to hope, but I saw others like me that did ten, twenty, thirty or more years. With time it became clearer how we were just slowly rotting away behind those grey walls.

I am not going back. 

That was what I was thinking, but it seemed like that day the universe was planning to go against me.

Strange, it's usually at least a quarter in to my plan before things start to go wrong. 

'' I did not put on these uncomfortable leather pants to be treated with such disrespect! ''

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