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     The green thing carrying Ashlee wore a red mask. The others behind it wore blue, orange, purple. She noticed things wearing the purple mask held her phone. It was probably the one who shut her phone off.

     She also noticed their weapons. Terrifying, really, but she recognized the fantastic specimen of a stick. It clung to the purple-clad alien thing's back (which she also noted was a shell). They might be alien turtles.

     "Shhh," the one carrying her whispered.

     Ashlee frowned and crossed her arms. Of course, she wouldn't be quiet, that was just asking to be abducted and eaten.

     One of the turtles left his friends and walked towards the glass doors leading to the balcony. He wore the blue bandana (at least Ashlee assumed they were guys. They don't exactly look feminine) and eyed the dark outside. The other turtles watched him curiously.

     The glass shatters as a ray of purple light passes through. Time slowed Ashlee. She could see everything around her fall to pieces. The turtles ducked and started to shout at one another. The glass shards had cut their skin; Ashlee remained protected by their shells. She watched them, then the balcony, where Kraang had taken their places and began shooting.



     "Watch her!"

     The turtle carrying her, wearing the red bandanna, dropped Ashlee on the ground (in which she frowned; how rude).

     "Why do I have to?!" The turtle bounced on his toes.

     "You are the one that got us into this mess, Donnie," the turtle in blue growls.

     "It's not my fault!"

     Ashlee's eyes grew wide. "You're the one that dropped the stick."

     "It rolled off the side of the building," Donnie mumbled.

     "It landed on my head," Ashlee says. "Rude."

     She could hear someone screaming her name. She recognized the voice as her father's. Ashlee could hear his footsteps and she ran to her door. Before the door could be opened and part of the family be reunited, the turtle covered her mouth, drew her back, and locked the door.

     Ashlee didn't understand. She was pulled away and flung over the turtle's shoulder. She could hear them yelling and they began running towards the balcony. They jumped off the side, pushing and stabbing Kraang just to get away.

     Her focus remained on the door. She saw her father manage to unlock and break part of the door. The Kraang became distracted. Part of them followed the turtles and part of them surrounded her father. Ashlee stretched out her hand before the railing of the balcony completely blocked her view.

     She realized she was falling and screamed. There was an empty feeling in her stomach up until the moment they were no longer falling, but gliding. She couldn't tell what it was exactly (because she was not facing forward and trying to look ahead strained her neck); maybe a zip line? Or even one of those cool grappling hooks? Ashlee may never know.

     They landed in between two buildings. It wasn't as crowded, mainly because they were no longer in the nicest area of the city. One of the turtles opens up the manhole cover and the others silently fall in.

     "No!" Ashlee shakes her head and screams. "I'm not going down there."

     "Please be quiet," the purple-wearing turtle whispers.

     "I almost died and now I'm being kidnapped! No, I won't be quiet!"

     "I'm sorry," he says.

     One of the other turtles takes Ashlee from the purple turtle. He covers her mouth and carries her down and only sets her down when the last turtle, wearing the blue, covers the manhole and rejoins them.

     Ashlee frowned. In the few seconds she stood there, her life flashed before her eyes. She saw her parents, her brother, and all the math homework she never bothered turning in because of how mathematically stupid she was.

     "I don't want to die!" Ashlee cries. Tears begin falling from her cheeks.

     "You're not going to die."

     "I'm being abducted by aliens!" Ashlee groans, dropping her shoulder dramatically.

     "My name is Leonardo," one of the turtles says. "Leo."

     Ashlee wipes a few tears away, stunned by their calm demeanor.

     "This is Raphael. Raph."

     He was the only one not gentle enough, Ashlee noted.

     "Michelangelo. Mikey; and Donatello. Donnie."

     "Like the artists."

     "Yeah." Mikey nods, smiling.

     "Follow us," Leo says.

     Ashlee crosses her arms. "Why should I? This could be a trap."

     Raph rolls his eyes. "If we wanted to hurt you, we would have done so already."

     "We just saved you!" Mikey exclaims.

     Ashlee frowns, turning to Donatello. "You locked the door on my dad! Now he's probably dead!"

     "He's not," Donnie tells her.

     "How do you know?!"

     "The Kraang wouldn't kill someone like him. He's too valuable."


     "Intellectually. He's a scientist." A small grin crosses his face. While his brothers fanboyed over comics and TV shows, he obsessed over scientists.


     "The Kraang have been kidnapping them lately."


     "How am I-"

     "Can we talk about this later? My arm's starting to hurt, Donnie," Mikey complains, referencing his cut arm. They all had small cuts and bruises dotting their bodies, in which Ashlee felt some sort of guilt and pity.

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