Chapter Three: Motion Sensors, Weight Sensors, and a Heat Sensitive Floor

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Chapter Three:

Motion Sensors, Weight Sensors, and a Heat Sensitive Floor


Summer's Island, Lake Huron, Michigan

3 Weeks and Five Days to Deadline


The tension in the room was palpable. Paul, George, and Ringo were frozen, waiting for John to explode. Mandy stood with her arms crossed, her expression blank. Russell moved closer to his sister, his eyes filled with either fear or hate. It might've been a mixture of both. Tony leaned against the mantle and kept his eyes on Julian, as if waiting for the man to spontaneously combust. 

Julian, however, kept that smile on his face. He took a step forward, hands in his pockets and posture relaxed. He looked unassuming. Harmless. 

John took a deep breath. Julian was anything but harmless. He clenched his fists and then relaxed his fingers. He wouldn't hit this guy. At least not today. 

"I don't know how you have the nerve to show your face," said John tightly. 

Julian shrugged, unconcerned. "I didn't ask for you to be on this job. She chose the crew." He gestured toward Mandy. 

Paul turned toward her. "Why on earth did you do that? You know our history with this guy." 

Paul didn't look angry, but John could tell that he was. Julian had inflicted way too much pain. Mandy, though, continued to wear a blank expression. Her eyes were on Julian, and she did not look away. 

"You're the best. And I need the best," she said simply. 

"You want us to steal the beautiful girl," said Ringo tersely. "Why?" 

Mandy didn't answer.  

"Mandy crossed a line when she tried to take something from me. She needs to pay it back," said Julian. "Or both she and her brother are dead." 

John recognized the malice in Julian's voice. He didn't really want the beautiful girl. He wanted to hurt Mandy as much as humanly possible. Julian was cruel. 

"So you want us to steal the beautiful girl in four weeks or you kill all of us," said John flatly. "That's the deal." 

"No," said Julian, striding into the center of the room. He had always had a taste for the dramatic. "You'll all watch as I kill him," he clapped Russell on the shoulder. The kid jerked away, disgusted. "And then the rest of you will watch as I kill her." He drew Mandy closer to him, "Slowly. Then, I'll make it look like the rest of you did it and the prison system will likely execute you for me." 

"We can't do anything with you lurking around," said Mandy, pushing him away. "Your father may let you play your little games with me, but in the end he wants that painting. And if he doesn't have the painting, it is your head." 

"Oh, I won't be 'lurking', as you put it," said Julian smoothly. "But I will be watching. Even if you can't see me." 

"Stalking," muttered Russell "Is not a good alternative." 

John raised his eyebrows at the kid's guts. He'd seen Julian do terrible things to people who spoke to him without permission.  

This time, Julian only smiled. "Four weeks. I'm being generous. I'd get to work." 

"Great," said Mandy, arms still crossed. She turned to Tony. "Tony? Please escort this gentleman off the premises." 

Those were her words, at least. John could hear the meaning in her voice. Please dump this moron off a cliff for me. 

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