Chapter Nine: Panic, Poise, and Premonitions

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Chapter Nine:

Panic, Poise, and Premonitions


One week, one day until deadline

New York, New York

Abandoned Warehouse


Mandy watched with arms crossed as Samson drove the truck into the empty warehouse. The noise of the semi's engine echoed through the large space and rumbled in her chest. Samson was Bryce's partner, and Mandy didn't trust him, but with Bryce gone she had had no choice.

George was standing beside her with his equipment in his hands, looking incredibly nervous. The moment Mandy had found out about the 'ten million views' thing she had ceased to speak to any of the fab four except for clipped three word phrases.Most of the messages came from Tony or Russell now, often not Russell since he was busy pulling a con on the girl reporter the fab four had accidentally put on their trail.

Mandy put up her hands to stop the truck. The brakes screeched as the driver put it in park, and a handsome Indian man hopped out of the cab, a false grin on his face.

"Sophie, nice to see you again," he said.George didn't even think to question the fact that Mandy was being called by another name. For all he knew, Mandy might not even have been her real moniker.

"Hi, Sam," said Mandy, with a smile just as false. "I just had Tony wire the money."

Sam pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times, lips pursed. Then he looked up and stuck out his hand, infinitely more cheerful. "Nice doing business with you. Call me if you're ever in New York again." He winked. "We'll have lunch.

The rest of the charade completed he stood by as Mandy led George into the back of the truck, where he scanned the police cruiser inside for any tracking devices or bugs or explosives. Lots of people wanted to kill the crew working the Beautiful Girl heist, and lots were willing to pay a lot of money to have them killed. And Samson's conscience was ruled by money.

"It's clean," said George, pulling his headphones off.

"Good," said Mandy. She tossed the keys to him. "Where's Ringo?"

"Right here, darling," came Ringo's bright voice. He was the only one who seemed unfazed by Mandy's dark phase.

Mandy waved him in and Ringo took his turn inspecting the car. He crawled around the back seat, went underneath the vehicle, and spent a good ten minutes studying the paint.

 Sam stood outside the cab, tsk-ing as he watched Ringo. "I can't believe you don't trust me."

"I can't believe you think I'd be stupid enough to trust you," said Mandy crisply.

"Hey," said Ringo, brushing off his hands. "That's more than you've said to the four of us this week combined. And we're on your side!"

Mandy didn't respond to that.

"And if you didn't trust him, why did you wire the money first?" queried George. He usually kept his mouth shut around Mandy –especially since the ill-fated escape kiss – but he was genuinely puzzled about that one.

"Professional courtesy," said Mandy, which didn't exceed her three-word limit.

"Well, anyway, it's real," said Ringo. "Or else it's a bloody good replica."

Sam tipped an invisible hat. "Now if you'll simply take your spanking new police vehicle out of my truck I'll be out of your way."

"Gladly," said George. He took the keys and pulled the police car out of the semi. Meanwhile, Mandy and Sam stood discussing a few more details while Ringo stood further off pretending not to listen.

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