Chapter Ten: Serendipity, Sirens, and Smash & Grabs

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Chapter Ten:

Serendipity, Sirens, and Smash & Grabs


One week to deadline

New York, New York

The general vicinity of the Randolph Museum


Tony shifted uneasily in the seat of the van, tapping his fingers against the wheel.

"You're gonna get nabbed," he said into his headset.

Up on the steps of the museum, Russell grinned and flashed him a subtle thumbs up.

"You and I have survived a lot more than this," Russ said, continuing to scan the area and check his phone. "It's all good, just a little recon."

"That's what you said in Belfast," muttered Tony.

Russell either didn't hear him or chose not respond. Tony sighed, unsure why he was so nervous. Russell was right. They'd been through a lot together, the two of them and Mandy. Tony could clearly recall the first time they had met and the chaos that had ensued.

It had involved silly string, stealing the identity of a federal agent, and a very cold swim. A long story, of course, but one that was great to tell at parties. That was, if Tony ever ended up going to a party, which he doubted. Unless his funeral counted, and he didn't think it did.

"Where is she, Russ?" demanded Tony. "I thought you said she was baited."

Russell glanced briefly at the van and Tony could see the worry even from here. "I thought she was."

Tony started planning escape routes. There were four from here, five if he got creative and forgot about the rearview mirrors. The Maze Runner was risky under any circumstance, but operating in a high-octane situation like this with a million variables...

"I'm prepared for a car chase, just so you know," said Tony.

"That's not exactly reassuring," said Russell.

Just then, Tony noticed a blonde head moving through the crowd of street traffic.

"I see her," mumbled Russell.

Tony shut up and let him focus.

"He's got this," said Mandy, putting a reassuring hand on Tony's shoulder.

Tony glanced at her and into the back where both John and Paul were watching, expressions tense. They sat in silence and Paul didn't even try to crack a joke. It didn't make Tony feel any better.


Up on the steps, Russell held the phone to his ear.

"I don't think, I know," he said lowly. He was talking to no one, but that didn't mean he wasn't putting on a good performance.

He'd done police before: narcotics, bomb squad, negotiators. A hardboiled New York detective was no problem. He'd read enough James Patterson novels to get the gist.

He let Jane Andrews approach, allowing her to identify him from behind. A few steps closer and...

"Listen, it's my head anyway. Just make the call. C'mon, man, you owe me." He pulled the phone away from his ear and swore loudly, like he'd been hung-up on.

"Detective Jack Evans?" inquired Jane brightly.

Russell turned around carefully, eyeing the reporter as if he wasn't quite sure he recognized her. "Excuse me?" he said, channeling irritation into his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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