My Love

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  • Dedicado a My mom Renee

Picture of Clara and Dave on side>>>>>>>>


Her heavy breath fanned my neck as her leg entwined with mine. Her soft murmurs caressed my ears whilst her arm held me close. She's going to freak when she sees that she's basically all hands on me. So I'll savor the moment while it last. I've hadn't noticed the beauty in her smile or the way her hair flatly lays on her pillow. Also i like the way she talks to me. Not in the way that other girls talk to me. Her murmurs came again and she fidgeted her head on my chest. In about ten seconds that stupid baby will cry. She's been laying on it for about an hour.

"Mama" What the?!?! The baby talks. "Dada" "Mama" "Dada" "Bwottle"

Aaliyah started to fidget again and before i knew it her eyes were on me. "Tell me I'm dreaming" She said.

"You're dreaming" I said. She jumped off me and sped into the bathroom.

"Well morning to you too" I chuckled. I grabbed the little twirp of a baby and got out the bed. One thing i love about this project, i get to spend it with Aaliyah. Did i just sat that?

Yeah you did

I shook my head and thought about the cons of the situation. This stupid baby and its stupid crying and pooping and just being here. It kills my vibe. Pushing that thought away i grabbed the baby bag.

"Aaliyah?!" I called.

"Um yeah" She replied.

"Where is the baby food?" I asked.

"I used the rest yesterday maybe we should go to the store" She walked out the bathroom with the tips of her hair slightly wet.

"If you're going to hold your head over the toilet maybe you should pull your hair back" I laughed.

"Shut up" She said, but i could see the smile growing on her face.

"Tell me a joke" I said.

"Why?" She raised one of her eyebrows and slowly walked towards me.

"I need to smile"

" You can tune a radio but you can't tune a fish" She started busting in laughter while it took me a while to get the joke.

"Ohh" I said. "Not only was that lame but it wasn't funny either"

"Well look in the mirror and maybe then would you laugh"

"That was lame too, your just on a roll here"

"Ugh I know"



We left the room and walked into the hallway. "Get the baby stroller" I told Aaliyah. She walked back into the room to go get it.

"Hey man" I turned around and Brandon was standing behind me.

"Oh hey dude" I said. "Where's your wife?"

"With her friends. She took the baby" He said. Aaliyah walked out the room with the baby stroller in her hands.

"Hey Brandon, you walking with us?" She said.

"Yeah sure" He smiled at her.

"Okay well lets go" She said. She walked before us and i grabbed Brandon.

"Do you like her or something?" I asked him.

"Yeah she's cool" He smiled and ran to catch up with her. He wrapped his arm around her neck. Good thing i don't like her like that.

Aaliyah & RileyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora