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It was literally the next day and after we went out and I felt great about it so I decided to take my girls shopping since I had that money in my bank account but what I didn't tell y'all was that I had two accounts one with spending money one with life savings. The spending money account has a good bit in it so I'm taking the girls to the mall today and spoil them. "Hey you guys wanna go to the mall today?", Naveah looked at me like I had just said the best thing on earth with glistening eyes she quickly said yes. Ari wasn't really buying it so I had to show her that I had the money to do it. We all agreed on going to the mall.

Skip to the car ride .

We had just arrived at the mall when I saw a familiar face looking at me but I paid it no mind because I had been ignoring him so we got down sent inside the mall and I told them to go their separate ways. "Meet back up in about 2 hours." I said to them both. Handing them both 200 bucks.


So Christy was feeling generous and decided she wants to take us shopping at the mall yea I get she makes a little more money than me I take care of the bills she takes cares of like our hygiene and clothing and stuff so it wasn't unusual for her to want to take us shopping but at the mall???? Hmmm I don't know its pretty pricey I wonder how much money does she have on her right now being she gave us both 200 dollars. Anyway I saw a nice greyish black and purple Polo suit I wanted and some greyish black and purple Jordans I liked the way it looked it was dope so I brought it and I was on my way out of the stores when I bumped into a light skin dude with pretty hair and gorgeous teeth my was he fine lawrddd! jesus ! But I kept walking to the food court I was going to eat my food and I saw him again this time he approached me and we talked for a while and then we exchanged numbers I liked him a little I'm not easy going so its gonna be difficult for him to like me my friend or anything but he's nice. I went to meet my sisters I was deadass ready to go lord knows Christy can take forever in the damn mall.


So Christy gave me 200 dollars to shop in the mall with so I decide to go to Ralph Lauren and pick out some things that I might like I saw one thing that caught my eye which was a blue Polo suit it was like gorgeous being that blue was my favorite color I literally fell in love with it but I didn't know what to pair it with being its getting cold outside so I went to another store to get me some UGGS that'll match perfect with this I'm thinking it'll be cute together. After I finished I went to call my sister so that I can meet up with them but first I'll stop for some food the pretzels here are like freaking amazing and I love them so I stopped got a pretzel and a water and I went meet them.


I gave my sisters both 200 dollars and told them to go on about their way to get whatever they want I was just walking trying to figure out which store to go to so I decided to go to Ralph Lauren and get me some suits I got me a black one , a red one , and a dark gray and pink. I was walking out of Ralph Lauren when I saw Ari talking to some guy on the food court and I'm looking like who's this invisible ass nigga she smiling and shit up in this nigga face but you know what it's cool get you some girl get you some she's been single long enough. I went to get me some UGGS the colors matching the polo suits I got pink and I just some navy blue ones that'll match with both the red and grey one I was walking out of that store and I saw a cute guy I said ouuuh cutie alert he was dark skin with some dread my was he a fine piece of chocolate  so you know I had to go and shoot my shot asap! I went to shoot my shot we talked for a while and I seen he looked very familiar we used to be friends like 4 years ago but he gotten some much more finer than that like yes honey come here we exchanged numbers his name is Alonzo and he was gorgeous but let me stop its time to get home.

Ari's Outfit ^^

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Ari's Outfit ^^

Naveah's outfit ^^^

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Naveah's outfit ^^^

Naveah's outfit ^^^

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Christy's Outfitsss ^^^

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Christy's Outfitsss ^^^


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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