One in the same:)

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First day of fourth year and I'm already visiting the year heads office, no suprise their.

As I came in the school doors I was rugby takled to the ground, of course it had to be Cerys with the biggest grin on her face.

"Cerys get off me you freak" laughing as we both staggered to our feet

"Sorry I'm just so happy" she said

But before I could speak in walked luke, Cerys's on and off boyfriend. I couldn't even tell you what their relationship stat is?

"Hello gorgeous" luke said grabbing her waist and turning her round.

I laughed, Cerys gave me a glare as she spun round and punched me in the arm

"Owww their was no need" I said smirking but groaning as Cerys's punches are pretty brutal. the corridors were pretty quiet because the sun was shining everyone was outside "c'mon Daniella better be early for regi this time so no arguments can happen" Cerys said with her serious face,Which didn't last for thing, we couldn't be serious with each other for long laughing it off we started walking.

As we headed through the corridor I could see Shannon in the distance

"Shannon" I shouted far back some how she heard me.Shannon was the brains of the group but yet she was the doughty one of us.

She looked in her bag and brought something out I couldn't see because she was a fair but away.

I saw her arm raise and fly forward. I was confused and then I saw it flying towards me a full water bottle I dodged it and let it bounce off the floor as it came up I kicked it back up the corridors to were she was standing but to my shock out came a teacher I couldn't make out which one but all I could see was the bottle flying towards and then.

"DANIELLA MRS As OFFICE NOWWWW!" I tried to hold in the laugh but you had to admit what a shot

I could hear her breathing loudly in frustration behind me I tried so hard not to burst out laughing.

"What were you thinking, no I bet you weren't thinking, that could have hurt someone" mrs Scott yelled.

"It just missed you you've always got to be dramatic" I said trying to get away.

" Oh no you don't" mrs Scott said grabbing my arm and dragging me round the corner.

"Now you stay here whilst I find someone to deal with you" mrs Scott said raising down the stairs

After a few minutes of standing at the top if the stairs I walked down. in front stood mrs A our year head we didn't get along a lot, and an angry mrs Scott.

Something caught the corner of my eye, new kid I'm guessing he's pretty cute I said in my head as I continued to walk down the stairs he raised his head and our eyes met....

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