beyond my control

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an//hey guys! this one is based during their cuts rehersals, if you go back and watch the behind the scenes videos it takes place during days 7 and 8. I actually really like this one and think its cute.

thanks again for all the love and support from those who've commented and voted for my story, really appreciate it:)

please leave your thoughts and any one shot ideas in the comments below!

happy reading:)


day 7

"OK, so I'm going to hold your head like this," he said, placing his strong hands on each side of my head. "then you place yours over top of mine." I lifted my hands to put them where his were. "Then i'm going to swing you from over here," he said nodding at where we were standing. "to over there," gesturing to the other side of him, about 8 feet away.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, as I tore my hands off my head and took a step back from him. He searched my eyes with worry.

"kayc, whats wrong? you know I won't drop you." he said with a slightly hurt tone in his voice.

"I know, I know..." I stuttered "Its just, I mean, you're just holding my head... I don't know if... I can't..." i started to panic as my mind reeled. The feeling immediately slowed when I felt his strong arms wrap me in a hug.

"hey, hey, hey..." I heard him whisper softly as my worries drifted away "kayc, calm down, its ok." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and a panic I couldn't explain.

"im so sorry Sean, i'm just a little scared, and its been a long week." I breathed, feeling the relief of saying it out loud, burying my face in his weirdo sweater he was wearing.

"kaycee," he spoke sternly "look at me." he raised my chin with his right hand. "you never have to feel sorry about being scared, its a part of being human." he spoke with an immense amount of care in his voice, care for me. "Im so proud of you, so proud of us, for how hard we've worked for this. you and me have put in so much of ourselves in each piece and sometimes it gets too much." He looked at me, looking to see if I agreed with what he was saying.

"thats exactly how i'm feeling right now." he always knew what to say, it was a gift, and I was lucky enough that it was often used towards me. "I know that you won't let me fall, I trust you completely, with everything I have." I said sincerely, still wrapped in his arms.

"I trust you too kayc, completely and holistically, in every sense of the word." he uttered. there goes that gift again. He squeezed me tight one last time before releasing his arms from around me, to slide down and grab my hands. looking into my eyes he slowly asked. "are you ready to try?" searching my face for consent. I nodded and he placed his hands where they were just moments ago. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath as I grabbed his upper arms.

"5,6..." I opened my eyes to find him there, staring at me like I was beautiful. My breath caught as I stared right back at him, forgetting momentarily to continue counting.. "7 8." I said finally, after a small lapse of focus. He took a step to the side as he pulled me from one side of his body to the other, my feet swinging across, my body being completely in his control. I landed safely on my feet, at the other end of the path he had paved for me. We froze, his hands still on my head, his face mere inches away. his eyes burning holes in mine, it was almost like he was looking for something, or searching for the courage to do it. I didn't know what was happening, all I knew was that I didn't want it to end. I felt safe in his proximity, his presence creating a sense of calm and happiness, being around Sean was like being wrapped in a warm blanket after being in the cold for hours.

"told you I wouldn't drop you." he finally spoke, giving me a slight smirk, not moving his face away. suddenly I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me move. I stepped back looking at the ground.

"ok, yea..." I said awkwardly, "lets take a water break." as I stepped away I had one thought cross my mind. we looked at each other a little too long to be just friends.

the rest of the day I was distracted, those feelings appearing every time I looked at him. his eyes made my heart race, my head pound and made butterflies in my stomach. but I didn't like Sean, I loved him. but not like that... I couldn't.

day 8

Me and Sean were once again working on a different trick we might want to incorporate into our routine, this one even more risky than the last. We both had an infinite amount of trust in each other, but the trick wasn't working. I couldn't bring myself to do it, every time I looked at him my mind went blank, and I started to panic. Trying to hide my feelings, I blamed him for doing the sequence wrong every time we tried it. I walked to the computer groaning, pausing the music and trying to slow my heart. why does he have to look at me like that?

After multiple attempts I could tell that Sean was starting to notice my lack of focus.

"Kayc, whats wrong?" he asked, truly confused. "I thought we talked about this yesterday... I thought we trusted each other." as he said it, a look of hurt crossed his face. How was I supposed to explain to him how I was feeling? I wasn't even sure how I was feeling.

"I don't know whats wrong..." I started, "every time you look at me... i...." stuttering I turned to face him, now only a few feet apart. "Im having these feelings, but I can't wreck what we have." I started to cry, the emotions that had been filling me all day, finally spilling out. He rushed to me, raising his arms to embrace me, but I pushed him away and walked to the other side of the small room.

"Kayc, you could never wreck us." he spoke,

"you don't understand, Sean, these feelings, they're..." I explained, tears running down my face. He came close again, this time I didn't push him away. He ran his thumbs over my cheeks, catching my tears.

"I think I do," he said, almost as if he had found a new sense of courage inside himself. "every time I see you kaycee, god, my world gets brighter. you make me laugh, you make me smile, but you also make me cry, because the way that I feel about you... I can't have you that way." he said, his eyes watering, his hands still on my face. I placed my hands on his wrists, closed my eyes, and said so softly I barely heard it

"what if you could." I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him through my eyelashes

his eyes stared back at me with a look of surprise. he opened his mouth to say something, but he was lost for words. I raised my chin, my eyes locked with his. raising onto my tip toes, I met his mouth with mine, brushing our lips together softly, a breath of a kiss. Sean acted immediately and kissed me again, with a passion I thought he had only for dance. We fit together like a puzzle, it was almost like we had always been able to fit together this way, we had just never realized how to put it together. I got lost in him, it felt like I was lost in a sea, but I knew that Sean would always be there to save me, I felt free and protected at the same time.

after a few moments, we pulled away, placing our foreheads against each others, we breathed a synchronized breath. A tension that I had never realized he was holding was set free.

"you complete me Sean."

"kaycee," he looked at me, our foreheads still attached, breathing the same air. "meeting you was fate, being your friend was a choice, but falling for you was beyond my control." he said, leaving me breathless. This time it was me who kissed him with everything I had.


an// how was that one? if only it was actually real... haha.

anyways, would you guys prefer shorter chapters for frequently or longer one like this one less often? let me know in the comments.

don't forget to vote and comment!

love ya guys:)

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