4) Headmaster (M+)

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It was Thursday and my mother has been very concerned with my well being. She think's its because I don't let my wolf out like I should. But I'm terrified because when I close my eyes, I see the eyeless woman and hear her warnings.

"Cas, sweetheart come away from the fireplace and come eat breakfast." I snap out of my ghoulish thoughts and find I'm standing right in front of the fireplace. Strange I haven't done that since I was little. The only reason I wasn't allowed near it was because when I was little Adeline told me to throw my mother's baby bird in the fire to make our friendship valid.

"Cat!" I see Darren and I kiss his little freckled cheek. "Hey big guy." He reaches for me so I pick him up and he looks me in my eye and then he does something strange. He covers his eyes and says. "Black moon." I put him down and grab a handful of bacon.

"How are you feeling, cubby?"

"Mother..." I whine. She knows I hate when she calls me that. "Casper, look at me." She plays with my braids a bit and she cups my face. "You know you are my miracle baby, my beautiful red moon baby. If you are going through anything just let me know okay cubby?"

"Cubby!" Darren yelled as he kept his eyes covered. "Yes mom. Can dad drive me to school today?" My mom frowns. "Actually sweetheart we're heading over to moon lake."

"Uh, why?" She looks away from my face and she eyes my scar. I make sure to pull up my skirt to cover it.

"We need to get that checked."

"Mother, I don't want to go." I take a step back and she steps forward. "Casper, calm down."

"No, no I don't want to go there. Mommy please." Suddenly the kettle sounds louder than it's suppose to. And Darren's cries sounds demonic.

My back hits a wall and I cover my ears. "Casper!" I hear my mother yell and I take off to my room. "Adeline? Adeline!" I call out her name and she sits on my bed with her arms open. "What's wrong?" I lay my head in her lap and try to wipe away my tears, but she makes me look at her.

Moon lake is all I can say before I hear my mother at my door. Adeline's eyes go wide and she stands up. "You can't go back there, Casper. Remember what happened last time?"

Remember, I wish I could forget...

Age: 13

"Mom, dad, why are we hear?" I grip Adeline tight in my arms and my parents say nothing as we park the car.

When they get out of the car I stay in the car. "Adeline, I don't like this place. It's scary."

"Cubby, come on. Nothing is going to happen to you." Mom says as she opens my door. I hold onto my dads hand as we walk up the wooden steps and I almost wet myself as I see a large snake sitting in the corner. "You brought the girl?" I hear a dry voice and I hide behind my dad.

"Cas, we won't let anything bad happen. Okay?" My dad tries to soothe me but the blind woman was staring at me and Adeline was shaking in my arms.

"The doll stays here." She says. As my mom tries to take the doll from me I lose it. "No! Don't touch Addie! Don't touch her!" I run a sharp claw down her arm and my mother reaches back. "Stop, this young lady!"

I then feel my eyes burn and my skin becomes extremely hot. "Honey, stop!" A fire sparks beneath my feet and I have an unearthly growl and I feel something inside of me become too great for my small body. I drop Adeline and my claws looked like they were on fire. I start to drool and my jaw becomes vicious.

"Help her." Is all I hear my mother say before I lunge at her.

I wake up, and I'm laying on a wooden table. "What is your name?" The dry voices woman asks. I try to look for my parents but they weren't in the room. "Mo-"

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