3) School Bound

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I was beyond stressed out.

"Come on Cas, aren't you a bit excited?" Ashlynn asks me. "No, aren't you a bit worried that the witches will try something?" She scoffs at my question. "I'd like to see them try, I don't mind making one of them into my magical chew toy." I roll my eyes.

"Always violent, Ash. Can you believe we have to spend three whole nights at the academy? Like that right there is stressful enough. How am I going to study and keep up at Baxter High?"

"Oh baby cousin your worries are so dull. How about you think about something more enticing, like all those warlocks just waiting to have a bite of she-wolf." I cringe at that. "You know we can't mix like that, the child would be-"

"An abomination. Blah. Blah. Blah. There is such things as condoms and birth control. Besides, having sex with a magical being is a rush." I stop packing my slippers and look at her. "Ash, you didn't did you?" She smirks at me and I sit down beside her.

"How was it?" I ask out of curiosity. She props herself up on her elbows. "It was fucking amazing. It's like those first five seconds into the transformation. You know when you feel the human and beast bond together only it keeps happening and happening. I swear it was a feeling I can never get tired of."

I sit there holding my pillow close and I feel like a child. Sure I'm seventeen, and I have ragging hormones but I'm a virgin and I always hear the pack/family say; stay with your kind. Save your purity for your husband/mate.

But I want to have fun now while I'm young. "Do..you think you can help me?" Ashlynn makes a face and I slap her with my pillow. "Not in that way you ass. I mean do you think you can hook me up with a warlock? I don't want to go all the way, I just want to...experiment, and see what it feels like."

"Sure, I can help with that. I know this one guy, he can make his tongue long enough to hit your G-"

"Girl's are you almost done?" My mother asks as she walks in. "Yes Auntie."

"Yes mom." She looks at the two of us for a second and I already know what she's about to do. "My baby is growing up." And cue the water works. "Mom please don't cry. I'm only going to be sleeping there at night for the next three days. And Ashlynn will be there to keep an eye on me." I give her a tissue and Ashlynn gets up and hugs my mom. "You know I'd skin anyone alive for Casper, Auntie."

My mother kisses both of our heads and we then hear my brother. "Guess it's feeding time. You girls make sure you two packed your tooth brushes and, Casper you know you can't bring that doll." I eye Adeline and I know I had placed her on the shelf and yet she's hanging from my bag.

"Don't worry mom. I'll put her away now." I go over to my bag and pluck Adeline from my bag and then place her in my chest and lock it. I just know she's going to be pissed when I get back. My mom leaves and Ashlynn looks at herself in the mirror and reapplies lipstick. "We are about to embark a brand new adventure, Cas. We are going to meet some interesting magical and supernatural beings from all over the world. Some of them and I really mean a great many of them will be hot."

"All you think about is the opposite sex, huh?" I ask as I stand behind her in the mirror. "Pretty much." She says as she pushes up her boobs.

As we stand at the front door, Uncle Ollie gives us some gifts. "Here you two young ladies go, don't open them until you step foot on the academy and make the Redwood pack proud."

"We will dad, promise." Ashlynn says as she gives her dad a big hug. I do the same to my parents and give my little brother a kiss as well. "Cat." He calls me. "I'll be back in the morning, don't worry." He kisses my nose and I shoulder my bag. "Alright, lets get you girls on your way." Dad says.

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