Chapter one

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Jugheads POV:
5 months. 5 fucking months It's not like I actually did the murder. Rage flowed through me. My jaw clenched and my hands balled into fists as I was lead out and into a van.

The Doors to the van open and I go in. I sit down heavily and rest my head against the back wall, closing my eyes. My head wonders my serpent tattoo on my shoulder. I smile to myself. It's not like I'll be alone in there.

My head slams back into the wall as we come to a stop. I groan internally and stand up. My head throbbing from the impact.

The guards signal me forward. I walk out slowly. The sun blinding me for a few seconds. I look ahead and smirk. Here we go.

I was forward. One foot after the other. No point going back now eh

the processing seems to take forever. But with a little bit off  persuasion almost an hour later I walk into the pain prior with my beanie on my head safe and sound.

I take a deal breath. I feel a guard shove me forward. I spin on my heel. My breath sharp with anger. Without thinking my arm swings and collides with his face.

I roll my eyes before walking off. Idiot.

My cell door closes behind me. The buzz signalling how under control this place was. I sit down and silently tend to the slightly broken skin on my knuckles.

My raven black hair falls in front of my face. I smile to myself. At least it wasn't like in movies where they shave the hair off.

I turn and sit down. I should have counselling in an hour. To "help me deal with the bodies I saw" I roll my eyes to myself and lay down. Letting sleep take me over for a few hours

Not long after I hear the buzz and the heavy metal rolling away to free a door. I stand up slowly. Letting my head catch up with everything that was going on.

"Hands out!" A guard said rather rudely may I add. My jaw clenched and my hand flexed. I slowly raised my arms and let him clamp the metal around my wrists and waist. Before long we were walking town some corridors towards some closed off room.

The guard hit the door twice and I stood still. Waiting for it to sing open and show a fat bald man. To my shock a stunning girl around my age stood there. She looked at me and smiled. I didn't smile back. But I appreciated it

She looked like a deer in headlights as I was led it. As I was secured to the table she glanced over at the guard. I couldn't help but smile to myself. She had gone as white as a ghost.

I lean back slowly in the chair and stare at her. She gulped. Gosh. She was scared. I raise an eye brow and show my open hands.

A little truce you could say

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