~Chapter 5~

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"Leni!?!?!" Jacob and Levi yelled, out in the forest. They lost Leni. It was noon and they were playing ball. The ball went off into the woods, and Leni went to go get it. After about five minutes, Leni still wasn't back. So, they went looking for her.

It was getting dark. Jacob started to cry a bit. "What if we don't find her?!" Jacob cried out. Levi put his hands on Jacob's shoulder, "Don't think that, She is probably running from spiders right now." Jacob laughed a bit. 
"Hey!!" A voice called out. It was Lin. He found Leni. Leni was passed out and was bruised and bleeding. Jacob gasped and looked at Leni and whispered, "Please don't die, Please don't die-"
"Stay Aliveeeee" Levi started singing.
Lin laughed and said, "She will be ok..Just a few scars." Lin handed Levi Leni.
"I'll see you guys later!" Lin walks off.

Levi carried Leni back home and treated her wounds and, Jacob still worrying about her.

"Don't ever die, princess."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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