~Chapter 1~

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/*Leni's Pov*/
I woke up. Quickly got dressed and headed out towards the busy streets of New York, just to get coffee. I speed walk into the coffee shop and order coffee. I was gonna be busy today so I got coffee at Starbucks instead of trying to make coffee myself. I scrambled out the shop and speed walked past all the people, trying to dodge everyone I see. Suddenly, I feel someone grab my arm and pull me away.
"Ey!" A familiar voice says.
You turn to the person who pulled you away and look at his face and almost SCREAM.
"Levi!!!" You screech and hug him.
Levi laughs and you let go. Levi has been off in France for a long time and you missed your childhood friend. You sip your coffee and Levi and you talk about France. He gave you some presents but you decided to let him keep them until you got to your apartment. It's been very lonely at your apartment. Jacob, a friend you have known from 4th grade, was visiting awhile to keep you happy and keep you company.
Levi searched through his bag and flipped out 3 tickets.
You straightened your glasses and stared at the tickets, with eyes wide open like you just saw a ghost.
"I got us Hamilton Tickets-" You cut Levi off and hugged him, screeching with excitement.
"Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!" You thought it was too good to be true.
"What friends do, Mon Ami!" Of course, he had to say something in French. He went to France so why would you not speak French.
You and Levi talked for a while and you checked the time.
"oh sssssshhhizzz I might be LatEeEE! CYA LATER LEVI" You scramble off, like sonic speed to work.

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