~Chapter 4~

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~Walking through the streets of New York, after the show, to get coffee with friends~
Leni, Levi, and Jacob chatted and sang all the way to the coffee house. They walked in and ordered their coffee, then sat down. Levi looked around and spotted something.
"Leni, give me your glasses.."

"Why?" Leni questioned, wondering what he saw.

"Just give them!" Levi tries to stay quiet.

Leni gives Levi her glasses and Levi stares at a person at a table. Levi almost screams.
"Leni, Jacob." Levi whispers, with excitement.

"What?" Jacob and Leni say in unison, whispering back the excitement.

"Look." Levi gestures toward the man at the table. "It's Lin-Manuel Miranda-" Levi whispers but gets cuz off from the small gasps from Leni and Jacob. Levi gets up and walks over to the table, being stupid.

Levi, YOU IDIOT!!, Leni thinks, staring at him.
Levi talks to The man and points at Jacob and Leni. Leni hides her face and Jacob waves, smiling broadly. The man smiles. Levi drags Leni and Jacob to his table and makes them sit there. Leni is dying of embarrassment while Jacob and Levi are talking to him.

Lin looks at Leni, "Is she okay..?"

"She's Okay-"

"HelPLeSs" Leni says, dying of her own self being stupid..like always.

Lin laughs, "Hey, were you the girl who was at the Richard Rodgers today..Singing You'll Be Back?"

"I was.."

"Jonathan told me that he saw you-"

"And Winked." Leni blurts out.

"Yep..He really liked your singing."

Leni was freaking out at this moment. The one and only, Groff Sauce, liked this poor girl, who can't afford tickets to see the show, liked her singing.


"You're just talented." Levi smiles at Leni.

"So..What's your names?" Lin asks.



"And Jacob,"

"The Dash Siblings!" Leni, Levi, and Jacob sang, making their own cover of The Schuyler Sisters.
Lin laughs and sips his coffee. The group talks about revolution and musicals. Leni was giving a powerful speech about revolution to the group. Lin was surprised on how much history she knew. The group laughed and drank their coffee.
The three friends didn't know what would happen next.

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