An Interesting Date

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(Time skip to Friday)

"What about this? Or this?" I asked Leah holding up outfit after outfit. "Well what do you feel like wearing?" "I don't know, that's why i'm asking you!" I hissed at Leah. "I'm sorry i'm just really nervous." "Alright, alright. Here." Leah started rumaging through my closet putting am outfit together. "How about this?" I looked the outfit up and down. It was a Pink Floyd crop top with a black high low shirt covered in flowers. And girly black sandals. "Not bad. Wait I know what will make it perfect!" I ran down stairs and grabbed my favorite black beanie and ran back up. I showed Leah the beanie. "Yes!" She said with an aproving smile. "Ok go down stairs just in case Pj get's her early and I'll finsh getting ready." "Ok." I proceeded to get dressed and finish my hair and make up. The I jeard the door bell ring. Ok calm down. He just another person like you. No need to be nervous. I walked out of my room to the top of the stairs. "OMG! KickThePj is at my house!" Leah shouted kn a sarcastic fangirl voice. "Just shut up and open the door!" She opened the door to what I can only call a presence. He was wearing a dark blue jumper with black pants amd a bowtie. There was just something about him that made him so attractive this night. "Hi so where is Sarah?" he asked. "She is right up there." Leah said pointing to me. I started to walk down stairs and I could see him staring at me with his gaped a little bit. "Hey Peej." "H-hi. You look absolutly beautiful." I then felt my ovaries explode. We just continued to stare at eachother. "Ok! Well you two have fun!" Leah said in a uncomfortable voice. "Ok Bye!" We walked out to his car. "So Pj what are we going to do this night?" "Ive got something in mind but you have to keep your eyes closed the entire time." After that we drove for what seemed about 20 minutes, we finally arrived. "Can I open my eyes now?" "Not yet." Pj got out of his car and I heard him walk over to my side and open the door for me. I got out of the car waving my hands everywhere looking like an idiot. "Ok open!" I opened my eyes to a big, huge fancy roller rink. "This is amazing!" I said with a giddy tone in my voice. "I figured I'd take you up on that offer and teach me to skate." We went in and payed for entry and skates. We arrived in the rink to the stereo's playing Stayin Alive. We got on our skates and I helped him ease out onto the floor. "Ok Sarah, take my skating viginity away." We both laughed. "Ok so push your weight with one foot on to your other foot....... yes now do it with the other foot, push one, step 2. Yes you're doing it Pj!" I see him ride off by him self. "I'm doing it!" he screamed. SMACK! Pj goes chrashing into a person and then into a wall. "Oh my god!" I yelled to myself. I rushed right over to him. "I'm so sorry sir."apoligizing to the man. "Pj are you ok?" He was out. I took off his skates and mine and I picked him up by his arm and started walking him to the public bathroom. "Uuuuuuuuh!" He groaned when I sat him down on the floor. I started to examin his head. I he started to bleed a little bit from his forhead. I got a paper towel and put water on it and I then applied it to his forehead. "Oww!" his hissed at me. "Sorry! Are you ok now? Does your head hurt anywhere else? Do you feel dizzy or light headed?" "No I feel................. great actually." He stared deeply into my eyes, and me into his. He started to lean in closer and closer and then his lips met with mine. Are lips started to moved in sync. My head was swimming. It really felt like time and the earth just stopped moving. We finally pulled apart for breath. "Wow." I said in a deep breath. "Yeah." "Come on, let's get out of here." I said.  I then proceeded to drive him back to my place. "I thought you were going to take me back to my hotel." Pj said with a furrowed brow. "Well you might have a concusion and I don't want you to stay by your self so, I figured you could sleep here for the night. Plus my couch is pretty comfortable." "Oh no, I couldn't intrude on you like that." Pj was so cute being very polite. "It's ok I insist. That and I think that Leah will get a kick out of it." We went in and I told Leah what happend and that he was staying the night. She was all excited and giddy. I gave him a baggy tee-shirt and a pair of my boxer shorts to sleep in. "Why do you have these?" He said with a chuckle. "Cause they're uber comfy!" "True, true." He went into the bathroom to change. After a couple of seconds I knocked on the door, "Hey give me your clothes and I'll wash them." The door swung open. He was standing there shirtless in my Batman boxers. ;) "Here ya go." I took the clothes while staring at him. "O-ok." I then ran down stairs and put the clothes in the wash machine. I got him two pillows and a blanket. He then came down stairs with his shirt on. "This is where you'll be sleeping." He flopped down on the couch. "You were right, this is comfortable." "Well good night Pj." "Night Sarah, and thank you for letting me stay here." "No problem." I headed up to my room and went to sleep thinking how tomorrow will be.

A girl and Her Roller Skates (Kickthepj Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant