♡ 04 ♡

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"oh my god, i still can't believe you kept each and every one of them!", felix felt his hand through the pile of paper notes that jisung had dumped out of a shoebox onto his bedroom carpet.

"it's not a big deal.", jisung smiled as he picked another one up. fiddling with the note in his hand.

"yes it is.", seungmin added reaching into a large bag of cheetos laying on the carpet.

"stop eating seungmin, it's like, already past eleven o'clock at night.", felix pulled the bag away from him.

"just one more!", he whined leaning over on the ground to grab to bag of chips.

"no seungmin.", felix stuffed the bag under jisung's bed.

"guys, guys, guys!", jisung called to his friends. "this is still my favourite one."

he showed them the note he had just unfolded.

do you know how the main characters always end up together at the end of the shows? well, you're a main character and i'm the second lead who never gets the main character so i don't think we'll ever be together :(

"okay, that one was pretty cute.", seungmin said. "you definitely like her just for who she is right."

"huh. . .i think so.", jisung said with a small smile. seungmin and felix started a mini round of applause. "maybe. . .even if it's someone i hate. i'll think differently of them from now on."

"that's the spirit. now we just have to find out who they are so we can se-

"no. no set up.", jisung interrupted felix as he then proceeded to stand up and get into bed. "let's go to sleep. goodnight"

seungmin and felix slipped into their sleeping bags. "goodnight guys.", they said almost in unison.


2:03 am.

haemi tiredly felt her beside drawer for her phone that was ringing loudly. the caller ID left her in shock.


the girl was left confused as to why he was calling her so late. later than ever before.

"hello, hyunjin?", she picked up the call.

"haemi-ah. . .i can't sleep.", he said tiredly.

"you sound tired.", haemi said. "and, can't you call your girlfriend?"

"ah, uh. she would be sleeping.", hyunjin said.

"i was sleeping, hyunjin. can i go back to sleep?"

"no- i mean. i thought you were a good friend. i was already planning to call miyeon right after."

haemi sighed. "okay. you want me to sing you a lullaby or something."

"i'm serious haemi. just talk to me for five minutes. . .and i'll be sure to fall right asleep."

"wow thanks.", haemi said. the girl went to sleep late, earlier that night. she was very tired and could barely speak at this time. "hyunjin. . .", she whined. "count sheep. goodnight."

"but- haemi!", hyunjin was then interrupted by the girl hanging up the phone.


"haemi look, han jisung is looking in our direction.", hanjae shook the girl's shoulder excitedly as they were in the hallway.

haemi started to believe what jisung had told her the day before. what other explanation was there as to why jisung wouldn't talk to her at school.

"aren't i so beautiful.", she flipped her dark brown hair.

hanjae turned to look at her. "yea, but you don't have to get all cocky about it.", he chuckled.

"let's go find miyeon, yea?", haemi put her arms around her best friend's shoulder.


don't you find it weird when your friend of the opposite sex starts calling you at like 2 in the morning. my guy friend is doing that, and he even has a girlfriend. but i mean, if it's you, then i'd be perfectly fine.

jisung quickly put the note he had received that day into his pocket and entered 'The Cupcake Shop' with a smile on his face. now, he knew that his secret admirer was a female.

"hey haemi.", he said once he reached the counter. "can i order a birthday cake flavoured cupcake?"

"sure.", she said. "is it your birthday today? i had no idea."

"no, it's not. i just like the rainbow sprinkles in it." he said.

haemi chuckled. "you're such a child."

"who are you calling child?", jisung laughed. "i'm older than you."

soon, jisung went to sit down with his cupcake. lisa faced haemi and smiled. "god, you're so dense haemi."

"he doesn't like me lisa.", she defended herself. "little do i know, he probably treats every girl like that."

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