Chapter 22: The Suspense

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Outside the medical bay.....

Daniel's POV:
I sat down nervously, for hours waiting for any updates on Joey's condition. I'm so angry and upset with what happened, Luke was a part of it. It's his fault on what happened to Joey and I'm pissed that Shane my friend had taken his side. Can't he see that Luke is to blame for this?

More and more long hours went by, till I hear the doors open. It was Ray. Hopefully there's some good news.

Daniel: So How is he?

Ray: The surgery went according to plan, we were able to repair the damage to his body. But however we had to increase his chance of survival.

Daniel: oh thank god. But what do you mean by increasing his chance of survival?

Ray: well what happened was that when operating, we noticed in the scanners that a majority of his human cells have died, so there wasn't enough to help repair his body. Usually in cases like this we would take extra human cells from a healthy human, but since there wasn't a human with us, we had to use Capilla DNA containing Capilla cells.

Daniel: what? Are you saying that he's now....

Ray: Capilla sort of but he only has about 50% of the DNA and 50% of his original human DNA.

Daniel: so he's half Capilla and Half Human.

Ray: yes pretty much. But however he is stable, but needs his rest. I have to tell you Daniel, he got lucky on this one.

He took me into the medical bay, in there I saw Joey lying down flat, eyes closed, with a white medical gown, and grey covers. He looked very weak.

Daniel: when will he wake up?

Ray: well he had just come out of surgery a few hours ago, so he will wake up in his own time. Perhaps tomorrow.

Daniel: thank you Ray.

Ray: no problem, but I can only allow you to about five minutes with him, he needs his rest.

Daniel: ok
I said taking Joey's hand. He looked a little different with Capilla DNA in his system, the ridges displayed on his forehead, nose and cheeks looked less defined than a complete Capilla's. They were also shorter and the indents on those ridges were much softer and not so sharp. And his ears, well they were a little bit pointy but not defined pointy. The ridge starting at his nose and splitting into two on his forehead, ended at his temples instead the edge of the hairline, in way he looked a little older. But who knows what his life expectancy can be now.

Daniel: Joey, you might not hear me but if you can, I'm glad your alright. I was so worried sick about you. I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you if you had died in that tower room. I probably would have taken my life, lost the will to live.

After about three more minutes Ray came over, I guess it's time to go.

Daniel: ok Ray. I gotta leave Joey, I'll be back in the morning. Love you.
I said as I kissed his forehead and left the medical bay, I guess I can finally sleep in peace now, not having to worry about his life at risk.

I went back to the shuttle ship, seeing Luke, Cat, Tyler and Shane in there. All of them sitting nervously they were also worried about Joey.

Cat: so, how is Joey?

Daniel: he's going to be fine. Just needs his rest.

Shane: oh that's great news. I told you he's a fighter.

Daniel: yeah well anyways, better get some rest myself.

Luke sat down, looking down not making eye contact. Tyler pulled me to one side saying:

Tyler: Um Daniel, I think you owe someone an apology.

He was referring to Luke. I wish he wouldn't, not right now.

Daniel: why should I, it was his fault. He should be apologising to me.

Tyler: oh stop trying to turn the tables and make yourself look like the victim. You know what you did, you blamed poor Luke for something that WAS NOT his fault. I get that you were scared, worried and angry but that gives you no excuse to go pinning it all on him and saying it's all his fault. After you said that to him he came back here and broke down, he was in fucking tears because of you. He's the victim around here.

Daniel: I'm not turning tables, I'm not apologising. Why? Because he's a part of what happened to Joey, he could have said no and let Joey go in the tele-porter but no he though about himself and went in first, not caring about how Joey would get out.

Tyler: you are turning tables, you idiot! Joey always put others first, Luke said he tried to get Joey to go first, but he insisted that Luke goes first. Luke wasn't being selfish and he did care about how Joey would get out. He was just as worried as you were. I don't even think Joey would appreciate his boyfriend blaming his friend for his injury. He even knows it wasn't Luke's fault.

Daniel: whatever you say.

Tyler: oh my god! You just don't care do you? Luke is upset with you, you hurt him! You pinned something he didn't do on him! God, I don't know what to say!? Oh I know.

Daniel: what then?!

Tyler: i can't believe you! Bye.

Tyler stormed out and so did Luke, I guess he heard the whole conversation. Cat went off to her room, not even looking at me. I guess she heard it too. I bet she's on their side.

I went off to bed. Thinking about what happened, I'm glad that Joey's alright and that's all that matters to me.

Author's Note:
Looks someone's pissed.... but I'll update as soon as I can.

Bye! :)

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