Chapter 5: New home? Still no Daniel, for now.

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Joey's POV:
We have just landed on the Capilla's planet, and have just gotten off our shuttle ship. It was quite a relief, but I still needed Daniel, so I decided to look for him. The Capilla's planet was quite similar to earth, but except there was whole lot more buildings and a little bit of nature, but it wasn't quite like earth nature but alien nature, but it looked beautiful.

We had to work at a the The Staffleet Agent, where other Capilla's worked. They had similar jobs to us humans, but more advanced. I continued my job as a scientist and journalist and Sawyer continued his job as a scientific engineer. I still looked for Daniel on my hours off and still tried to find him, he had to be here some where.

Daniel's POV:

We were still in the brig, it was cold and dark. It gave me the shivers. A Capilla comes to us and says:

Capilla Guard: your all free to go now.

Cat: what?! Really?

Capilla Guard: yes, now get out, before I change my mind.

Daniel: thank you.

Luke: why are you letting us out?

Capilla Guard: because the rest of your people have come here and we allowed them to stay on this planet, till the Androids are defeated and gone. Plus you will continue your jobs at the Staffleet Agent where your people and other Capillas work.

Cat: right.

Daniel: I'm no longer a member of the human race.

Capilla Guard: oh yes I'm sorry about what happened to you, I'm sure you will get used to it. Soon.

Daniel: I don't think I will.

Capilla Guard: well it will have to do for now. Here let me show you the way out and take you to the Agent.

Cat: thank you.

Capilla Guard: it's the least I can do.

Luke: what's your name?

Capilla Guard: Shane.

Cat: you have a human name.

Capilla Guard: about two years ago when I was born, as a thank you to your Captain for saving our planet, My parents let your Captain name me. So your captain picked my name.

Daniel: you said two years ago when you were born, how is that possible you'd still be a child now.

Shane: because we Capilla's grow up in months, so each month we are a year older. I am 24 months now, so I'm basically two years old. We stay looking young, and have a life span up to 4000 years.

Luke: so that means Daniel is two years old, in Capilla years. So he can live for 4000 years, without ageing?

Shane: yes. Daniel how old were you in human years?

Daniel: 25

Shane: so as Capilla you are, two years and a month old.

Daniel: right. God this is weird.

Luke: what's your job Shane?

Shane: I am a Staffleet engineer. But sometimes I work as a Guard.

Cat: I see, so where is this Agent?

Shane: oh yes I forgot. I'll take you there.

Author's Note:
That's part five guys. I will update soon with part six.

Bye! :)

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