Chapter 8

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      "Hyun-seungi!" Eunkwang almost shouted at his mobile phone.

      "Woaah!" Hyun-seungi's head jerked away from her mobile phone. "Calm down. Don't shout. You're hurting my ear. What's wrong?"

      "I have told Minjoo about Himchana."


       "She does not like it. In fact, she sort of got mad." Eunkwang ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I only told her about me producing songs. Not about the musical."

      "Oh!  You should have told her everything." Hyun-seungi sensed trouble.

      "Well, she was pretty much angry about me being late for dinner the other night." That was the time when Eunkwang met Himchana to talk about her business proposal. " I even tried to make up for it by buying ice creams for all of us but the kids were going crazy so we had no other choice but to go back home.  To make matters worst, i left Peuni behind the store."

     "You what?" Hyun-seungi could not believe her ears. "No wonder Minjoo is breathing down  your neck!"

      "I did not do it on purpose" Eunkwang sighed loudly. "What am I to do? The family is getting bigger."

       "Bigger?" his friend repeated.

      "We are expecting baby number five"

       Hyun-seungi could not help but laugh at the other line. "Kwangie!" His friend exclaimed. "Congratulations on your fifth baby! You have one more kid than me." His friend also has three sons and one girl. "But you have to tell your wife that you have accepted a musical." she advised him.

       "I can't. What d'ya expect me to tell her?   'Honey, I'm the lead role of an upcoming musical and i will be working with Himchana. There will be some sensitive scenes where i will be passionate with her..."


        Eunkwang stopped and turned sharply to the direction of the sound of the voice and came face to face with a very angry Minjoo.  She had overheard his phone conversation obviously.

        "I'm so sorry, honey." He paled all of a sudden, forgetting his phone conversation with his friend. "But we really do need the money..."

         "Shut up, Eunkwang!" Minjoo cut him short. " I came to find you so i can tell you that it would be okay for you to write songs for her. But what is this i hear about a musical?  Some sensitive scenes? Are you going to kiss her?" she demanded. Tears are now falling in Minjoo's eyes. "I trusted you since the day you asked me to be with you and you repay me by making out with your past girlfriend?"

       "Honey, it's not like that. It's just work."

       " Yeah. it's just work. But tell me, what if it's the other way around? What if it's me kissing N? Would you like it? And it's all just work, you know..." 

      Eunkwang closed his eyes and tried to erase the image of Minjoo kissing N. Even if it is just work, he would also not like it. But this opportunity for him to earn extra money only come once. With another baby coming, it would surely help them financially.

      Changsub came bounding inside his parent's bedroom. He looked up at both of their faces. "Eomma! Are you crying?" He ran to his mother to give her a hug.

      "No, Subie. There is just something in my eye." Minjoo wiped her tears.

      But Changsub did not believe her. " Are you and Appa fighting?"

      "We are just talking, Subie." Eunkwang answered for Minjoo. "Please look after Peuni and Hoonie will you. Let Sikie help you."

       Changsub obediently followed what his father said and went back to the next room where his younger brothers are.

       "Hyung, what happened?" Hyunsik asked Changsub. Both of them could hear Minjoo's voice from their room earlier.  Changsub did not reply and instead went near to Peniel to watch over him. It bothered him to see his mother cry. 

        In a while, Minjoo entered their room and changed the kid's clothings. She gathered them and drove them to the nearest ice cream cafe.  She needed space to calm herself down.  While they were eating, she explained to Changsub and Hyunsik that she is fine and that their Appa would be more than busy than usual with his work.

                      ***    ****   ***

     May 2. Minjoo is rushed to the nearest hospital. She and Eunkwang had a little argument with his musical earlier when she suddenly experienced some labor pains.

      " Oppa! You have to go. You will be late for your rehearsals."

    "Honey, I can't leave you." Eunkwang is worried. If she will give birth today, baby five is early by a few months. 

    "We will be fine." Minjoo assured him. "Just go."

         ***   ***   ***                                                

    During rehearsals, all Eunkwang could think about is Minjoo and their baby. This is the first time that he is not by her side. He felt guilty and could not concentrate on anything else.

     "Kwangie!" Himchana asked during their break time. "Your mind is somewhere else."

     "I'm sorry." Eunkwang bowed to apologize. He should try to focus more on his work and be professional about this.

                               ***  ***   ***

     Minjoo looked down lovingly at her youngest son. She felt sad that her husband could not be with them at this moment. But she understands and agrees that it is for the good of the family. Although, she does not want her husband to be with Himchana, all she could ever  do is trust him.  

     She looks down at her new born baby who is sleeping in an incubator. She  wished that she could have him in her arms. She smiles at him. He sure is a handsome boy. She could imagine him being an actor, a star. 

    Suddenly, a thought struck her. She knew just what to name him.

    "Sungjae." Which means star-material. She whispered out to her baby through the glass. " Now, don't go breaking hearts when you grow up." she warned him.

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