Chapter 1

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*Just as a brief note, the context of this is that Sang, Raven, and Corey were on a 3 day break from missions so they could spend time with each other.*

I woke up to the sound of muffled conversation and movement of the bed I was resting on. "Маленький воин, wake up," I heard a heavily accented voice say. I turned over, hiding my face in my pillow. There was no way I was getting out of bed this early.

Again, I heard, "Sunshine, you've gotta get up. Phil called and said that we have a new mission." I turned over, blinking lazily up at the two figures towering above me. "I thought we were on break? What time is it anyway, 6 am?"

There was brief laughter until I was scooped up into heavily muscled arms. "Маленький воин it is 10:30 am, it is time to wake up," Raven said.

He carried me to the bathroom where he gently set me on my feet in front of the sink. He leaned in for a kiss, but I quickly pushed him away. "мой большой медведь, I have morning breath."

He promptly leaned back in and said, "Маленький воин I do not care about your breath. Now kiss me." I pushed him away again and responded, "I'll kiss you after, I promise! Just let me brush my teeth first." He stepped back and walked towards the door. "Okay Маленький воин. I will let you go this time. I will be in the kitchen with мой солнечный свет. Do not take long," he answered.

I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed into a pair of jeans and a white top (outfit on top or to side, and she will be wearing flats instead of heels). I jogged down the stairs, humming under my breath.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw Corey flipping pancakes with Raven cuddling him from behind. My stomach gave a loud growl, alerting them of my presence. I skipped up to them and gave each of my boys a quick kiss. "Hey Sunshine, you ready for some chocolate chip pancakes?" Corey asked, handing me a plate of hot, chocolate flavored goodness.

"Yes! Thank you for breakfast Corey," I acknowledged, before shoveling a forkful of pancakes into my mouth. "Wow there Sunshine, you might want to slow down a bit. I don't want you choking just because my pancakes are that delicious," Corey teased.

I giggled, slowing down enough to ask a question. "What's this mission about anyway? It has to be pretty important for Phil to assign it to us even though we're on break." Corey stopped eating for a moment, putting down his fork and turning towards me.

"About that..." he mumbled, "Phil told me that this mission involved Raven and I's team, as well as the Blackbourne team. He said he had them sign an agreement promising that they wouldn't share your identity with anyone, so you don't have anything to worry about, but if you don't feel comfortable meeting them, you don't have to."

Even though Raven, Corey, and I have been dating for almost 2 years now, since I'm a ghost, it's better if my identity is shared with as few people as possible. This means I have yet to meet the Toma team, although they are aware that Corey and Raven have a girlfriend.

"Wait, really?" I questioned, surprised at how sudden this was. "Da, мой маленький воин," Raven confirmed, "but if you do not want to, we do not have to go."

"No, no that's not what I meant!" I blurted out, "I was just shocked, I mean I've been wanting to meet them for so long and I'm just glad I can finally do it, you know?"

"Well, I'm glad you're excited," Corey chuckled, "we need to get going now so finish up your pancakes, alright Sunshine?"

"Mmhmm," I hummed, through a mouthful of food. I quickly finished my breakfast, and soon we were all ready to go. Corey grabbed his car keys and we walked to the driveway. We piled into the car and started the drive to the Academy hospital.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I asked. "Of course they will Маленький воин. I like you, Corey likes you, then they will like you," Raven answered, sounding extremely sure of his reasoning.

"Sunshine, they will love you, I promise," Corey reassured me. "You're an amazing, kind, smart, beautiful woman. If anything, should be worrying that they'll like you too much and end up stealing you away from me," he joked, but I could hear the underlying tone of worry in his voice.

I scoffed, "As if that'll happen! I love you guys." I saw Corey's expression relax as I got a chorus of "love you too" back from both of them.

I looked up when the car stopped, and noticed that we were parked at the hospital entrance. With a nervous fluttering in my stomach and shaking hands, I jumped out of the car door that Raven held open for me, and walked towards the entrance.

Word Count: 820

Author's Note: Hello and thank you for reading my first story! I'm really excited for this first chapter and I hope you guys like it. Again, let me know if there are any grammar mistakes or if you have any suggestions on how the plot line should go.

Also, I will most likely end up changing some minor aspects of the characters' personalities, so if you see something different, know that it is probably purposeful.

I would also like to say that I will try to update as much as I can, but it will probably end up being once or twice a week.

Again, thank you for reading this story! <3


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