Chapter 2: part 1 truth or dare

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After everyone was done eating breakfast, they went to the living room. It was silent till Jay spoke, "Hey, do you guys want to play a game because we're bored and have nothing to do? So what do you guys say?" 

Cole, Zane, and Kai said sure, just wanting something to do. "Ok, but what game do you have in mind, Jay?" Nya asked the lighting user. 

"I was thinking about playing 'truth or dare'. I like the game plus we can get to know each other more. What do you guys think?" Jay asked the group of young adults. 

All of them besides Lloyd agreed. "No, I don't like that game, it's stupid," Lloyd answered, a little too rudely. 

"Why don't you like the game, Lloyd?" Zane asked him curiously. 

~Lloyd's p.o.v.~

When Zane asked me that, I didn't know what to say. I just don't want to get the truth or dared to do something I don't want to say or do. It's embarrassing. "I already said the game was stupid and don't like it. What? Is it bad for me to dislike the game or something?" I said rudely, not saying the full truth. 

"It's ok to dislike a game, Lloyd. But we want to know why you dislike it," said Jay. "Because I like the game, I just don't love it. But the game isn't stupid." 

I sighed mumbling a 'whatever' before saying aloud, "Ok fine, I'll play the game with you guys but no stupid shit, ok."

“Why would we do that? We aren't mean nor stupid," said Kai. Says the guy that’s mean and stupid. I’m really questioning why I like a guy with the IQ of a 5th grader. Nice looking, just stupid. 

~Nya's p.o.v.~ 

I clapped my hands together as I said, "Ok then, let's start the game then. Truth or dare ..," I looked around at the guys. "Cole." 

"Truth," Cole answered. 

"Ok, have you kissed anyone? Not counting your parents." I asked him. I honestly couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head. It’s not a bad game, it can just be hard to come up with a truth or dare without it being basic. 

"No, I haven't," Cole said truthfully. Seeing to be proud of himself. For some reason, I thought he would have at least once. "Jay, truth or dare?" 
“I'm going with a dare. Do your worst," Jay told him with a grin. 

"Ok. Well, I dare you to sing a random song that pops into your head," Cole dared him, which wasn’t that bad of a dare. Jay doesn’t sing that bad and he’s done worse things just because of how he is. He’s smart but sometimes has the stupidest of ideas. 

"Ok, fine. I'll sing "In My Head" by Jason Derulo." Jay told him before started to sing what he remembered. I honestly laughed as he tried to remember all of the lyrics. 

~Time skip after song~

"Ok. Now, Lloyd. Truth or dare?" Jay asked Lloyd. 

"I chose truth," said Lloyd. 

"Who is your crush?" Jay asked him and Lloyd looked like a tomato. I just giggled and the boys laughed. Lloyd has never really been into romantic since young and always seemed to stay away from him. I’m not even sure if he knows what liking someone is like. 

~Lloyd's p.o.v.~

When Jay asked that I froze. My heart was beating fast like it was about to come out of my chest. So loud I could hear it in my ears. I could feel my face heat up. It's most likely because I am blushing. I bet I look like a tomato or even a cherry. 

How am I supposed to tell them that I like Kai if that’s even true? I'M DOOOMMED!!!!!! I'm going to just say I don't have a crush. But they will know that I like someone because I'm blushing.

"Lloyd, you ok? You just froze up on us and your face started to turn red..." Kai said worriedly. 

I just got up and ran up the stairs to my room. Slamming the door and locking it. I then jumped on my bed and put my face in my pillow. 

Why did my truth have to be that? I can't tell anyone I'm gay and I like Kai of all people. But I don't like Kai… don’t I love him? That's even worse. Why does Kai have to be so fucking hot? He's also sexy and… O'MY GOD, STOP THINKING OF KAI!!!

I sat up and trying my best to not think of the hothead, but I couldn't stop thinking of him. I then heard a knock on the door and heard his voice, "Lloyd, are you ok? Can I come in?" I shouldn’t let him in, not when my feelings are all jumbled up. I ended up shooting up and went to the door to open it. I saw Kai standing there with a worried look on his face. "Am I allowed to come in?" I only nodded and walked over to my bed and sat down. Kai came into my room and shut the door behind him and sat on the bed next to me. "Tell me what's wrong, Lloyd. I'm worried." Kai told me. 

The worry on his face and the lace in his voice made it hard for me not to tell him. I hate to make them worry about me. It always seemed to make more problems. It could have been any or all of the ninjas that could have come to check on me and I still would give in.

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