Chapter 4: Elven Hospitality

Start from the beginning

'Do you have a pony you could spare?' I asked the stable hand, who was busy grooming a white stallion.
'A pony? No, we do not have any ponies to spare. However, we do have a horse. Teonvan is a huge beast, deemed too large for war. He is not nimble enough. I doubt a dwarf like you would be able to even mount him.' He gestured to the animal he spoke of in one of the stalls. He was black, a white strip down his nose and large, white, shaggy fur draped over his hooves to match. I placed my hand on his muzzle and felt his breath against it, his reins and harness rattling. He was better than nothing. I opened the door to his stall, took a running leap, and swung onto Teonvan's back.
'Yah!' I cried. He reared and hurried out of the stable. I wasn't used to riding saddleless, and I clung onto his reins with all my might.

I steered Teonvan through the trees of Mirkwood. I had no idea where I was going.
'Peace Teonvan.' I whispered into his ear, stroking the side of his neck. He whickered and breathed heavily out of his nostrils. The shrubs groaned, branches slowly moved in the breeze and water gave a cursed gurgle every now and then. I breathed through my teeth, and prepared my bow just in case. Everything began to rustle and creak. Teonvan walked through the mystical forest, the mass of hair around his great hooves shaking like my hands were. I kept a steady head, and walked him alongside the Forest River, knowing it must eventually lead to Thranduil's people. Loosening my bow, I hung it on the inner of my arm and soaked up the scenery. It was odd to think that only yesterday I almost lost Thorin to a warg in here. It was so serene today. I remembered my conversation just a few days before about adventures with Airabeth and him. I had never thought I would be going on one any time soon, yet here I was, riding to the elves in order to save my people. If only I could be doing it with Thorin. I touched my lips, remembering the kiss we had shared the previous night. Had that been his confession of love to me, or did I just perceive everything so wrong? It seemed like so long ago now that I had woken up in his chamber. I smiled to myself, gently patting down Teonvan's mane. Heaven knows if anything did happen between us in there. We had been walking for hours now, the sun had moved far across the Rhovanion sky. Suddenly, I heard a blissful tune which I immediately recognised as that of the Mirkwood elves. I felt Teonvan tense up beneath me.
'Hush.' I said gently into his ear, directing him forward. He took each step very carefully on the soft grass. Leaning forward and peering through the trees, I saw a group of the elves walking. They were dressed head to toe in white, and they glowed so gracefully in the fading sunlight. I saw Legolas walking slowly among them, near the back. I was so entranced with their beauty that I forgot to comfort Teonvan. He let out a loud bray and began to stamp his hooves.
'Woah boy!' I said gently, trying to calm his instinctive nerves, but it came to no avail. I saw Legolas stop and look in our direction, he said something in Elvish to the others and they quickly left. He set up his bow, being as silent as possible, aiming it right for my forehead. Teonvan rose onto his hind legs and then bolted forward. Legolas let his arrow go, and it zoomed past my hair and into the nearest tree, splintering the bark.
'Prithee peace Legolas!' I cried, as Teonvan shot into his path. He stood backwards and bowed. 'My Lady! What brings you this far into Mirkwood at a time like this?'

The Elf king's realm was a beautiful one. Waterfalls cascaded down from the entrance to his cave and into the Forest River. Legolas led me inside, and I gaped at the astonishing splendour of it all. Although we were inside, it was light and smelt so pleasant, much finer than Erebor ever did. Thranduil sat in his throne awaiting his sons company.
'Wait here, I must address him first.' Legolas said calmly, leaving me to stand alone. They spoke in Elvish to one another again. The language was so fluid and gentle it sounded almost quixotic. At long last, Thranduil acknowledged my presence with a nod before leaving the room altogether.
'Come, I shall take you to Airabeth.' He stated, leading the way.

Legolas lead me to her lodgings. I knocked on the door as he left to find his father again. Airabeth opened the door with great care and looked warmly gleeful to see me. I was overall shocked at her. She was wearing a white gown with the most beautiful train. It had vast sleeves which hung down to her waist. Her hair was combed back and she wore a striking silver headdress. I couldn't comprehend her look at all.
'Why Sylla my dear!' She cried, hugging me and inviting me into her room.
'Goodness me! I leave you here for one day and you've practically turned into an elf!' I exclaimed, unsure of where to place myself. Her room was so neat and natural, it was a great change compared to what she had in Dale.
'Oh Sylla!' She said, bursting into laughter. 'As if I would ever change!' I smiled at her and she pulled me onto her bed. It was made of woven grass but felt so soft and cosy. 'I must tell you of what happened at the feast! I had to sit next to Legolas since he was the prince. I did try to stick to my wits and make it seem as if I wasn't interested. But there was something about him that intrigued me! So, when everyone was revelling together at the festivities, we snuck away and he showed me the stars of our world. I knew they were always there, but I've never appreciated them so much Sylla!' She grinned, grabbing my hands. 'He told me of all the tales of his kin and my own! It was just simply marvellous! Thus, the next day, I went into Mirkwood to try and find him again. Luck was on my side, because I came along him in no time, fishing in the stream.' I chuckled at her sudden ingenuous outlook on the male kind and how it was so out of her character.
'I am contented to see you are happy my dear. I am also glad to see you escaped safely from the ambush.' Her eyes darkened.
'Thorin got away too I pray?' She questioned, her eyes widening.
'Of course, but not without his battle scars.' I responded coldly, picturing the way in which he had stared so hurt at his bitten arm.
'Are you okay my friend? You seem lost within your mind.' Airabeth stated.
'I am quite okay, just a little tired.' I lied. She beamed, her white teeth shining.
'We shall find you a room and bring you some food. We can continue discussing in the morning.'

I placed the platter of mostly green food on the neatly carved dresser beside the double bed. Taking the demitasse from the tray, I climbed onto the bed and sipped at the warm tea within it. It felt good to drink after such a long day. I gently touched the refined elvish nightwear I was wearing with my fingers delicately. I most definitely did not feel as elegant or as pleasing as an elf would. There was a gentle knock on my door and I heard an emissary say,
'My Lady, there is a visitor for you.' I place my drink back onto the serving dish and walked to the door. I opened it to a pair of beautiful, dark eyes. All the breath within me was sucked out instantaneously. 'You.' I gasped, allowing him to enter.

Thorin took off his fur lined jacket, and hung it beside my leather attire.

'Yes, it is I. Is there a problem?' The prince uttered, inspecting the room. 'Well no I-''Good.' He finished, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He refused to wear the elvish nightwear, stating he would rather sleep in clothing covered in bear muck than even contemplate trying it on. However, when he took his sky blue, hooded cloak off, I caught sight of the massive wound on his arm that the warg had imprinted with its fangs. My female instinct took over and I ran to him, hugging him tight. He seemed stunned by this sudden occurrence, but slowly wrapped his arms around my back and rested his head against mine.

I led on the bed, my head on Thorin's lap as he sat crossed legged, attempting to brush out the wild knots in my hair. Whenever he tugged just a little too hard, I'd just clench my feet which hung off the end of the bed. 'I am assuming this means you have changed your mind on the matter at hand then?' I said. 'Not completely.' He answered, trying the force the brush through my tangled mane. I settled with that response and closed my eyes. He was so persistent in his beliefs. Even so, I smiled, glad that I had him with me. He eventually gave up the task, dropping the hairbrush to the floor. 'You scared me today.' Thorin whispered. 'How so?' I quietly replied, sitting up and looking at him. 'The way you just left. I thought you would return and I waited and waited to hear the gates unlock again. But they never did. I began to think of the worst, I was certain you were dead. Please, never scare me like that again.' I could see the hurt and pure distress within his eyes. I had truly terrified him. 'I'm sorry; I swear it won't happen again my Lord.' I apologised. 'You don't have to call me that.' He softly said, drawing closer to me. 'It is how I am supposed to address you.' I replied feeling heated in the situation. 'But you don't have to. You should call me your Thorin.' He gently spoke, each word like that of a melody. He moved a small strand of my hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. 'My Thorin?' I asked, moving my hand to his knee. 'Yes.' He slowly said. I looked at his huge, muscular build, his manly boots and mature face. I should see a noble prince, but instead, I see a tender, loving soul. 'And why is that so?' I gulped my face now exceedingly close to his. 'Because I am yours to possess.' He whispered, moving in to kiss me. I allowed it instantly this time and eagerly returned it straight away. He breathed in through his nose and moved his arms around my back, pushing me up onto his lap. We kissed passionately, and then I gently pushed him backwards. His head fell onto one of the cushions, black hair splaying across it. I led on top of him, still kissing and touching, never wanting to stop. He held me in place, kissing me further, and his dark eyes met my bright ones when he felt me smile beneath one of them. This was more than the kiss we had shared last night. This meant something, and would be a stain upon both our entwined hearts for as long as they did beat.

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